2371 results

  1. Statement from EPA Victoria attributable to EPA CEO Lee Miezis

    EPA Victoria welcomes the announcement from Australia’s major supermarkets that they will take control of soft plastics collected under the REDCycle scheme that are currently being stored in...

  2. Transporter creates and assigns a grouped waste record

    Find out how a transporter can create and assign a grouped waste record to a driver in EPA’s waste tracker portal...

  3. How to view users in Waste Tracker

    Step by step guide on how to view users in Waste Tracker...

  4. Transporter cancels driver invitation

    Find out how a transporter can cancel a driver invitation to connect in EPA’s waste tracker portal...

  5. Report a banned plastic bag

    If a retailer gives you a banned plastic shopping bag, you can report it to EPA...

  6. Residential noise

    Learn about what residential noise is and when it’s considered unreasonable...

  7. Waste Tracker for drivers and transporters

    Find out about the role waste drivers and transporters play in waste management under new laws...

  8. Closed Sunshine landfills

    Find out about environmental and human health concerns at a closed landfill in Melbourne’s western suburbs...

  9. About music noise

    Learn about the music noise and the requirements that apply to indoor and outdoor venues...

  10. Batteries

    Learn about your duties when disposing of used lead-acid batteries and nickel-cadmium batteries...