2371 results

  1. 1655: Toolkit for the management of solid waste from civil and construction & demolition sites

    This toolkit is designed for procurement officers and construction project managers in the Victorian Public Service who work on contracts that involve construction and demolition. This page has...

  2. 1654: Consumption advice for recreational fishers – Hazelwood pondage information bulletin

    Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) recommends that recreational fishers restrict the consumption of barramundi caught at the Hazelwood Pondage. This information bulletin outlines what you...

  3. 1551: Guidance notes for using the regulatory air model AERMOD in Victoria

    The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) of Victoria has approved the US EPA regulatory air dispersion model AERMOD as the replacement for AUSPLUME as the approved regulatory air model for impact...

  4. 1549: Energy from waste

    EPA has released a draft guideline on Energy from Waste, consistent with the Victorian Government’s Getting full value: the Victorian Waste and Resource Recovery Policy. The guideline outlines how the...

  5. 1817: Bushfires and recreational water quality

    Bushfires can impact water quality and pollute waterways. This can prevent our usual enjoyment and use of Victoria’s waterways. This may also lead to the death of fish and aquatic life. ...

  6. 1826.4: Noise limit and assessment protocol for the control of noise from commercial, industrial and trade premises and entertainment venues

    This protocol will apply from 1 July 2021.  It provides a protocol for determining noise limits for new and existing commercial, industrial and trade premises and entertainment venues. It also...

  7. 1835: Victoria’s new environmental laws

    The biggest change in 50 years to Victoria’s environment protection becomes law on 1 July 2021.  The new laws require Victorians to understand and minimise their...

  8. 1838: Assessing health risk from smoke (Arabic)

    Arabic translation. This fact sheet provides information about how to assess air quality and health risks during smoky conditions. It includes air quality categories and general health advice. We...

  9. 1840: Assessing health risk from smoke (Italian)

    Italian translation. This fact sheet provides information about how to assess air quality and health risks during smoky conditions. It includes air quality categories and general health advice...

  10. 1708: Annual Report 2017–2018

    This Annual Report looks back on Environment Protection Authority Victoria’s (EPA) performance in 2017–18 and the delivery of year one of its organisational strategy, Our environment, Our health...