530 results

  1. 1992: Guide to the Environment Reference Standard

    This guide provides information about how the Environment Reference Standard (ERS) should be applied to support decision making, and how the environmental values, indicators and objectives for...

  2. IWRG831.3: Movement of controlled waste into Victoria

    This guideline provides advice to controlled waste producers, consignors, transporters and receivers on their obligations and the steps to follow for the movement of controlled waste into Victoria...

  3. Annual Report Card (July 2020 to June 2021)

    Report Card provides a snapshot of water quality in Port Phillip Bay, Western Port, the Gippsland Lakes and the waterways in their catchments. The annual Report Card was available on the Yarra &...

  4. 1476: EPA’s approach to choice of jurisdiction for indictable offences that are triable summarily

    This policy sets out EPA’s approach to determining whether or not to seek to have an alleged indictable offence that may be heard and determined summarily, against the Environment Protection Act 1970...

  5. 788.3: Siting, design, operation and rehabilitation of landfills

    This publication is the source document for best practice environmental management measures for landfills in Victoria. It takes into account the risk landfills pose to the environment and provides a...

  6. 674: Rehabilitation of Landfills Exempt from Licensing

    Document provides guidance for the rehabilitation of small rural landfills which are exempted from licensing but have been identified in the relevant Regional Waste Management Plan as requiring...

  7. 669: Groundwater sampling guidelines

    Methods used for drilling, installation or development of groundwater bores, or collection of groundwater samples can be a significant source of error in groundwater quality data. This guideline has...

  8. 332.8: Guideline - Calculating waste levy and allowable rebate claim

    This guideline explains EPA's expectations for the quarterly waste levy statement submissions and payments and is designed to assist permission holders to comply with their levy obligations. All...