42 results

  1. Understanding lawful place

    Only a lawful place is lawfully authorised to receive industrial waste...

  2. Development licences

    A development licence is for the design, construction and modification stages of your building project. They protect the environment by enabling you to minimise risk, so far as reasonably practicable...

  3. Controls and permissions

    New controls and permissions will help businesses meet their environmental obligations. Includes registrations, permits and licences...

  4. Sanctions

    How EPA uses sanctions to enforce the law and make sure people comply...

  5. Your third-party civil remedies

    Under new laws, you’ll be able to take legal action if a person or company breaks environmental laws and this adversely affects you...

  6. Responding to harm caused by pollution

    Understand your duty to respond to harm caused by a pollution incident...

  7. GED for businesses

    The general environmental duty (GED) will be central to how EPA interacts with Victorian businesses and the community...

  8. How to classify waste

    Learn how to classify industrial waste using the Environment Protection Regulations and EPA guidance...

  9. Permissions

    Permissions work alongside the general environmental duty, ensuring performance standards and conditions are meeting across a range of activities. There are 3 tiers of permissions based on the level...

  10. EPA's compliance approach

    EPA’s role is to protect the environment and human health from the impacts of pollution and waste. The draft Compliance and Enforcement Policy (C&E Policy) describes how EPA will ensure people do the...