156 results

  1. Audit of waste levy statements

    How EPA audits licensed landfill sites to verify the correct amount of landfill levy has been paid...

  2. National Pollutant Inventory

    Find out how we work with the NPI to track certain pollution in Victoria. Includes help for businesses to report their emissions...

  3. GED for businesses

    The general environmental duty (GED) will be central to how EPA interacts with Victorian businesses and the community...

  4. Permission Information and Performance Statements (PIPS)

    Businesses with an EPA operating licence or permit may be required to submit a PIPS when notified by EPA...

  5. Waste transport forms

    Find the guidelines and forms you need to transport waste, including prescribed industrial waste (PIW) and PCB...

  6. How to manage asbestos waste

    Find out how to remove, transport and store asbestos the right way. Includes laws about asbestos management...

  7. Respond to an erosion or sediment incident or complaint

    Find out what to do if there is a pollution incident or if you receive a complaint about your business causing erosion or generating sediment...

  8. Control erosion and sediment

    Guidance for business from EPA Victoria on what you can do to prevent harm from erosion and sediment, including examples of controls you could put in place...

  9. Effective microbes

    Controls such as effective microbes can help your business to eliminate or reduce the risks of harm from odour...

  10. Thermal oxidiser

    Controls such as thermal oxidisers can help your business to eliminate or reduce the risks of harm from odour...