156 results

  1. Understanding what reasonably practicable means under the laws

    An explanation of what ‘reasonably practicable’ means under the Environment Protection Act 2017...

  2. Follow a risk management process

    Use this four-step process to manage any potential risks your business activities may pose to the environment and human health...

  3. Manage clinical and related waste

    Find out how to manage clinical and related waste (like medical, dental and tattooist waste). Includes separating, labelling and transporting clinical waste...

  4. Erosion and sediment advice for businesses

    Guidance for business from EPA Victoria on how your business can eliminate or reduce the risk of harm from erosion and sediment...

  5. How to control noise from your business

    Guidance for business from EPA Victoria on what you can do to prevent harm from noise, including examples of controls you could put in place...

  6. Alternatives to waste disposal

    If you create priority waste, you have a duty to investigate alternatives to landfill. This means you should look at ways to create less waste, or reuse or recycle waste, before taking it to landfill...

  7. Land and groundwater guidance: underground petroleum storage systems

    The guidelines on the design, installation and management requirements provide practical guidance for owners and operators of underground petroleum storage systems...

  8. Managing medium to high-risk activities

    Learn how to manage medium to high-risk business activities...

  9. Site planning and management

    Site planning and management can help your business to eliminate or reduce the risks of harm from odour...

  10. Public interest disclosures

    What you should do if you think EPA has done the wrong thing or endangered the environment or people’s health...