Date of offence
Between 29 Jul 2015 and 31 Jul 2015
Type of offence

1. Did pollute waters and make poisonous to animals at Burwood East, from 29.07.2015 to 31.07.2015, contrary to s.39(1).

Background of offence

Winslow Constructors Pty Ltd pleaded Guilty to a charge of polluting waters under s 39(1) of the EP Act. Winslow Constructors were accused of allowing sediment to enter the storm water drain system through a broken pipe on the premises on which they were conducting earthworks. The sediment flowed into Gardiners Creek at levels sufficient to harm aquatic life.

The matter went before Magistrate Doherty. Winslow were placed on a 12 month good behaviour bond, required to pay $2000 into the Court fund, and required to pay $7624.10. Magistrate Doherty refused EPA’s application for a publication order.

Date of court hearing
21 June 2018
Date of court order
21 June 2018
Court magistrate
J W Doherty
Court location
Proceeding number

Court orders made

Without conviction, Adjourned to Ringwood Magistrates' Court on 20/06/2019. Accused released upon giving an Undertaking starting on 21/06/2018. To appear before adjourned date if called upon during the period of adjournment. Accused to be of good behaviour during the period of adjournment. The Accused is to pay $2,000.00 to the Court Fund. The Accused is to pay $7,624.10 Costs. Stay to 19/07/2018.

Reviewed 13 March 2020