Date of offence
Between 26 Sep 2008 and 25 Mar 2009
Type of offence

Dump industrial waste at an unlicensed site, at Brooklyn between 26.09.08 and 29.09.08, contrary to s. 27A(2)(a).

Contravene requirements of notice, at Brooklyn between 14.11.08 and 25.03.09, contrary to s.62A(3).

Background of offence


Date of court hearing
1 February 2010
Date of court order
1 February 2010
Court magistrate
Mr B. Braun
Court location
Proceeding number

Court orders made

Without conviction the accused to be of good behaviour for a period of 12 months and to pay $10,000 to the Court Fund.

Costs: $14,028.64

Reviewed 16 March 2020