Date of offence
Between 01 Nov 2013 and 31 Oct 2014
Type of offence
  1. Did permit the deposit of industrial waste at Tullamarine between 01.11.2013 and 31.10.2014, contrary to s.27A(2)(a).
  2. Contravene requirements of Clean Up Notice No 90005495 at Tullamarine on or about 02.07.2015, contrary to s.62A(3).
Date of court hearing
21 August 2017
Date of court order
21 August 2017
Court magistrate
R E Falla
Court location
Proceeding number

Court orders made

Without conviction, fined an aggregate $3,000 and ordered pursuant to s.67AC:

1. To publicise the offence, its consequences and any penalties imposed or orders made by this Court by publishing a notice about these proceedings.

2. The notice must contain the Accused’s and the Environment Protection Authority’s corporate logos and be:

a)   In the wording specified in clause 9 below and must not be supplemented by additional text;

b)   Published within 30 days of the date of this Court Order in the Editorial section or the front part of the Early General News section of the following newspapers:

  1. The Financial Review,
  2. The Age,
  3. The Herald Sun; and
  4. The Hume Leader.

c)    Of a minimum size of 12 cm by 3 columns; and

d)   Surrounded by a continuous black border.

3. The Accused must provide the Solicitor to the Environment Protection Authority with a copy of each published notice within seven days of its publication

4. [The wording of the notice was specified].

Costs: $58,648.70

Reviewed 16 March 2020