Date of offence
19 Oct 2017
Type of offence
1. Did contravene requirements of a Clean Up Notice at Knowsley on 19.10.2017, contrary to s.62A(3).
Background of offence
Nantua Holdings Pty Ltd (the Accused) was charged with contravening the requirements of a Clean Up Notice at Knowsley on 19th October 2017.
Date of court hearing
2 July 2019
Date of court order
2 July 2019
Court magistrate
D K Fanning
Court location
Bendigo Magistrates' Court
Proceeding number

Court orders made

Without conviction, Adjourned to Bendigo Magistrates' Court on 01/07/2020 at 9:30am.

Accused released upon giving an Undertaking starting on 02/07/2019.

To appear before adjourned date if called upon during the period of adjournment.

Accused to be of good behaviour during the period of adjournment.

Reviewed 3 October 2023