Type of offence
1. Fail to comply with Clean Up Notice (CUN), contrary to s.62A(3).
Background of offence
Mendo Kitanovski (Accused), was convicted of failing to comply with the requirements of Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Clean Up Notices and was ordered to remove all industrial waste from the premises at 627-703 Plumpton Road, Plumpton.
Date of court hearing
12 December 2018
Date of court order
17 December 2018
Court magistrate
His Honour Judge Johns
Court location
County Court of Victoria
Proceeding number

Court orders made

Charge 1: Contravene Requirements of Notice.

Convicted and order that Mendo Kitanovski pay a fine in the sum of $3,500.00.

Order that Mendo Kitanovski pay the amount to the Registrar of the County Court.

Charge(/s) 1: Application for leave to withdraw plea of guilty entered on 12 Dec 17 refused.

Order made pursuant to s.64 of the Environment Protection Act in the terms sought.

Reviewed 3 October 2023