Date of offence
Type of offence
1. Did contravene requirements of a clean-up notice at Sunshine North on 28.02.2018, contrary to s.62A(3).
Background of offence

Anthony James Grima pleaded guilty to one charge of contravening the requirements of a clean up notice relating to extensive stockpiling of construction and demolition waste at a premises in Auburn Avenue, Sunshine North.

The court convicted Mr Grima, placed him on a 12 month good behaviour bond, and ordered him to pay $1,000 to the Court Fund.

Date of court hearing
18 March 2020
Date of court order
18 March 2020
Court magistrate
M L Smith
Court location
Sunshine Magistrates’ Court
Proceeding number

Court orders made

With conviction, Adjourned to Sunshine Magistrates' Court on 18/03/2021 at 9:30am.

Accused released upon giving an Undertaking starting on 18/03/2020.

To appear before adjourned date if called upon during the period of adjournment.

Accused to be of good behaviour during the period of adjournment.

The Accused is to pay $1,000 to the Court Fund.

Stay to 15/12/2020.

Reviewed 3 October 2023