Date of offence
Between 14 Apr 2014 and 10 Oct 2014
Type of offence

1. Did permit industrial waste on unlicenced site from 14.04.2014 to 20.05.2014 at Seymour, contrary to s.56.

2. Did permit industrial waste on unlicenced site from 11.06.2014 to 10.10.2014 at Seymour, contrary to s.56.

Background of offence

Mr Geoffrey Noel Byriell, did allow industrial waste to be dumped on his property and later burnt it has been convicted and placed on a 12-month good behaviour bond and ordered to pay the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) costs of $1000.

Mr Byriell pleaded guilty in the Seymour Magistrate's Court to dumping industrial waste and discarding industrial waste by burning and was convicted on both charges. 

Between April and May 2014, Mr Byriell allowed a demolition contractor to store industrial waste on his Seymour property. The property was not licenced to accept waste and Mr Byriell did not receive any money as part of the arrangement. A sample taken from the waste was found to contain asbestos. The prosecution case detailed that industrial waste was burnt on four separate occasions between June and October 2014.

Date of court hearing
20 July 2018
Date of court order
20 July 2018
Court magistrate
S P Zebrowski
Court location
Proceeding number

Court orders made

With conviction, adjourned to Seymour Magistrates' Court on 19/07/2019 at 9:30am.

Accused released upon giving an Undertaking starting on 20/07/2018.

To appear before adjourned date if called upon during the period of adjournment.

Accused to be of good behaviour during the period of adjournment.

Costs: $1,000

Reviewed 13 March 2020