Date of offence
20 Dec 2016
Type of offence

Charge 1: Did contravene Notice to Clean-up at Diggers Rest on 20.12.2016, contrary to s.62A(3).

Background of offence

This matter concerned the 2016 depositing of industrial waste at a leased Diggers Rest premises and failure to comply with an associated clean-up notice. Due to Gavin Lee’s minor role in this operation, the matter resolved by way of a fine, without conviction, of $1500 and no order as to costs.

Date of court hearing
20 November 2019
Date of court order
20 November 2019
Court magistrate
T McCarthy
Court location
Sunshine Magistrates’ Court
Proceeding number

Court orders made

Without conviction, fined $1500.00

Reviewed 3 October 2023