Date of offence
Between 23 Jun 2008 and 01 Nov 2008
Type of offence
Permit to be dumped industrial waste at an unlicensed site, at Werribee from 23.06.08 to 01.11.08, contrary to s.27A(2)(a)
Background of offence
Enviro Fill Management (Aust) Pty Ltd was engaged to provide a significant amount of clean fill to the Werribee  Zoo. The clean fill material was to be used in some landscaping at the zoo.  EPA investigations of the site found the company was transporting (and accepting from third parties) other material to the zoo. Construction waste, asbestos containing material, low level contaminated soils and acid sulfate soils were allowed to be dumped at the site. Envirofill Fill Management Pty Ltd charged fees to accept this waste. The company eventually removed and disposed of the waste appropriately, at its own cost. The Zoo was not licensed to accept industrial waste.
Remedial action taken by EPA
Date of court hearing
13 July 2010
Date of court order
13 July 2010
Court magistrate
Mr P. Mellas
Court location
Reasons for prosecution
In accordance with the Compliance and Enforcement Policy, dumping of industrial waste is priority area of enforcement. This prosecution was also aligned to the Illegal Dumping Strike Force Program. This matter involved a high degree of culpability because the defendant accepted industrial waste in the knowledge that it was unlawful to do so on this site.

Court orders made

Convicted, and Undertaking made to be of good behaviour for a period of 12 months, and was ordered to pay $25,000 to carry out a project nominated by the EPA for the restoration or enhancement of the environment in a public place or for the public benefit.

Costs: $14,150.97

Reviewed 13 March 2020