Date of offence
26 Sept 2018 and 8 Oct 2018.
Type of offence

1. Did fail to comply with Pollution Abatement Notice (PAN) at Ravenhall on 26.09.2018, contrary to s.31A(7).

2. Did dump industrial waste at an unlicensed site at Keilor on 08.10.2018, contrary to s.27A(2)(a).

Background of offence

The accused was charged with three offences (2 breaches of a PAN and 1 dumping industrial waste).

The accused was issued with three infringement notices based on each of the above and the accused elected to have the matter heard in Court.

After the initial case conference and further communication with the accused, EPA agreed to roll charges 1 and 2 into one.

The amended charges were as follows:

– a contravention of requirements of a PAN, which required the Company, to install controls to prevent liquids from the premises entering on and offsite stormwater drains, and to modify its fuel and oil storage area so liquid spill are not able to pollute land or stormwater; and

– dumping or depositing or permitting to be dumped or deposited a particular kind of industrial waste (slurry, dry concrete waste and other loose materials) onto adjacent lands, which were not licensed to accept industrial waste of such kind.

Since the PANs were issued, the accused has complied with the PAN requirements and cleaned up the adjacent sites.

Date of court hearing
30 January 2020
Date of court order
30 January 2020
Court magistrate
M J Mykytowycz
Court location
Sunshine Magistrates’ Court
Proceeding number

Court orders made

Without conviction, fined $10,000.00 as part of an aggregate order.

Economix Pty Ltd (Accused) ordered to pay costs in the amount of $1,878.00.

Reviewed 3 October 2023