Date of offence
Between 03 Jul 2009 and 02 Nov 2009
Type of offence
  1. Disobey conditions of licence at Dandenong South on 03.07.09, contrary to s.27(2).
  2. Disobey conditions of licence at Dandenong South on 03.07.09, contrary to s.27(2).
  3. Disobey conditions of licence at Dandenong South on 03.07.09, contrary to s.27(2).
  4. Disobey conditions of licence at Dandenong South on 03.07.09, contrary to s.27(2).
  5. Disobey conditions of licence at Dandenong south on 03.07.09, contrary to s.27(2).
  6. Dump industrial waste at an unlicensed site at Dandenong South on 03.07.09, contrary to s.27A(2)(a).
  7. Contravene requirements of licence at Dandenong South on 02.10.09, contrary to s.62A(3).
  8. Contravene requirements of licence at Dandenong South on 02.11.09, contrary to s.62A(3).
Background of offence
Drum Brokers Australia Pty held an EPA licence permitting it to conduct a drum reprocessing and reconditioning operation and to store a small quantity of Prescribed Industrial Waste (PIW) on site. In 2009, an EPA investigation found the company was breaching its licence by storing quantities of PIW greatly in excess of the licence limits, including highly reactive chemicals not permitted under the licence. Further contraventions included insufficient labelling of drums and not providing or maintaining appropriate bunding. Drums containing PIW were also illegally dumped at an adjoining property.
Remedial action taken by EPA
Clean Up Notice

Clean Up Notice issued pursuant to section 62A of the EP Act.
Date of court hearing
29 November 2012
Date of court order
29 November 2012
Court magistrate
Mr G. Connellan
Court location
Reasons for prosecution
In accordance with the Compliance and Enforcement Policy, this matter involved very high culpability. The culpability was exacerbated by the disregard of the licence limits and clean up notices issued by EPA.

Court orders made

Convicted and fined an aggregate of  $95,000.

Legal Costs: $14,547.50

Analytical Costs: $25,427.60

Reviewed 13 March 2020