Date of offence
Between 01 Jan 2013 and 01 Aug 2013
Type of offence
  1. Make premises a scheduled premises without approval by storing prescribed industrial waste at Campbellfield, between January 2013 and August 2013, contrary s.19A(3).
  2. Store prescribed industrial waste without a licence at Campbellfield, between January 2013 and August 2013, contrary to s.27(1A).
Background of offence
This matter relates to a company that had stored prescribed industrial waste being around 203 tonnes of  Category A prescribed industrial waste, including mercury, barium, cadmium, selenium etc. This waste had been stored at a premises in Campbellfield without a licence.
Date of court hearing
14 December 2017
Date of court order
14 December 2017
Court magistrate
P Dunn
Court location

Court orders made

With conviction, fined an aggregate of $60,000 and ordered pursuant to s.67AC: 

  1. To publicise the offence, its consequences and any penalties imposed or orders made by this Court by publishing a notice about these proceedings.
  2. The notice must contain the Accused’s and the Environment Protection Authority’s corporate logos and be:

a)   in the wording specified in clause 9 below and must not be supplemented by additional text;

b)   published within 30 days of the date of this Court Order in the Editorial section or the front part of the Early General News section of the following newspapers:

  • The Financial Review,
  • The Age,
  • The Herald Sun; and
  • The Hume Leader.

c)    of a minimum size of 12 cm by 3 columns; and

d)   surrounded by a continuous black border.

  1. The Accused must provide the Solicitor to the Environment Protection Authority with a copy of each published notice within seven days of its publication.
  2. [The wording of the notice was specified].


Costs: $52,193.41

Reviewed 12 March 2020