Date of offence
Between 05 Jan 2009 and 02 Mar 2009
Type of offence
Permit to be deposited industrial waste at an unlicensed site, at Moyreisk between 05.01.09 and 02.03.2009, contrary to s.27A(2)(a).
Background of offence

An animal blood processing factory in Maryborough, BAIC Protein Pty Ltd was investigated for permitting industrial waste to be deposited at a place not licensed to accept industrial waste. The investigation revealed that between 90,000 and 144,000 litres of washdown water containing animal blood residues (generated at the company’s premises) was deposited at a privately owned farming property in Moyreisk.An agreement brokered between the farm property owner and BAIC saw the waste subsequently delivered over a two month period between January  and February 2009 in approximately five to eight separate deliveries. Upon delivery it was spread out over the farmer’s paddocks. The company had a reverse osmosis plant which could be used to reprocess waste water for reuse within the factory by removing blood residue. One month before the incident, the company was given instruction from EPA that the waste water was not to be discharged to land.

Remedial action taken by EPA
Date of court hearing
8 July 2010
Date of court order
8 July 2010
Court magistrate
Mr D. Cottrill
Court location
Reasons for prosecution
In accordance with the Compliance and Enforcement Policy, this matter involved substantial culpability because the company disregarded a prior directive from EPA regarding disposal of waste.

Court orders made

Without conviction, fined $7,500

Costs: $7,706.12

Reviewed 12 March 2020