Date of offence
Between 02 Mar 2016 and 02 Mar 2016
Type of offence

1. Contravene requirements of a Clean Up Notice at Nichols Point on 02.03.2016, contrary to s.62A(3).

Background of offence

The Accused was charged with a single offence of failing to comply with the requirements of a Clean Up Notice which was issued on 30 July 2015, in contravention of section 62A(3) of the EP Act.

Date of court hearing
29 June 2018
Date of court order
29 June 2018
Court magistrate
N La Rosa
Court location
Proceeding number

Court orders made

With conviction, fined $6,500.

By 10 June 2019, the accused must remove all industrial waste including broken concrete, asphalt like material, scrap metal and plastic, from 63 Cureton Avenue, Nichols Point, Victoria 3501 (the premises) and either:

a)    Take it to facilities with either an EPA License or local government permit to accept waste of that type, or

b)    Have the concrete and asphalt like material crushed in a manner that allows for it to be re-used.

Costs: $1,500

Reviewed 3 October 2023