For immediate use by media outlets.

Ace Recycling Group Pty Ltd has applied for a development licence to operate an e-waste recycling facility located at 63 Albermarle Street, Williamstown North.

The proposed facility would dismantle and recover materials from small electronic equipment such as televisions, computers and IT components.

The application proposes to process 4,320 tonnes per year of e-waste. As this exceeds EPA’s threshold for approval (500 tonnes per year), it requires an EPA development licence before construction and an EPA operating licence before operation.

Less than 1000 cubic meters of e-waste would be stored on the site at any time. 

In assessing the application, EPA will consider all relevant environmental policies and the following environmental concerns: 

Fire risks from combustible recyclable waste material storage 
Air emissions
Waste storage and handling impacts
Land and groundwater impacts.

A copy of the company’s development licence application and its supporting documents can be found at: 

EPA invites the community and other stakeholders to have their say on the proposal by 22 September 2021 at:

Please note that as submissions/comments received by EPA are part of a public consultation process they may be made publicly available. Depending on the nature and volume of submissions, EPA may arrange a conference of interested persons (under section 236 of the Environment Protection Act 2017) before finalising a decision on the application.


EPA development licences are required under the Environment Protection Act 2017 for industrial and waste management activities that have the potential for significant environmental impact. 

Reviewed 9 August 2021