Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has received an application for a development licence from Visy Industries Australia Pty Ltd, to expand their glass recycling operation at Laverton.

Visy is proposing to upgrade the glass recycling facility at 46-52 Dohertys Road, Laverton. They currently hold an operating licence for the prescribed activity and operate an existing glass works facility.

The new glass recycling plant is designed to process 40 tonnes of recyclable container glass per hour, replacing the existing plant that can process 24 tonnes per hour. 

The new recycling plant will produce furnace ready recyclable container glass cullet used in the manufacturing of new glass containers.

Visy has also applied for a planning permit through Wyndham City Council for the proposed upgrade (reference WYP12855/21).

Learn more about the application at https://engage.vic.gov.au/epa-works-approvals/visy-industries-australia-pty-ltd

What is a development licence?

To perform prescribed activities that may cause harm, you must have a permission such as a licence, permit or registration. 

Permissions work alongside the general environmental duty, ensuring performance standards and conditions are met across a range of activities. There are three tiers of permissions based on the level of risk to human health and the environment: 
1. Licenses for high-risk prescribed activities.  
2. Permits for medium-risk prescribed activities.  
3. Registrations for low-risk prescribed activities.  

This risk-based approach means we can target different levels of risk with the right balance of permissions and conditions. Our Permissions scheme policy (publication 1799) outlines:  
your role, as the permission holder, in ensuring compliance and preventing harm  
what we consider when assessing an application for a permission  
how permissions work to manage the risks related to prescribed activities

Find out more at https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/for-business/new-laws-and-your-business/permissions


Reviewed 9 August 2021