Site remediation works are continuing at the Lemon Springs alleged illegal waste dump with a third excavation site due to be completed in the next few weeks.  

More than 560 tonnes of waste has been removed from the site to EPA licensed facilities for treatment and processing.

A second hardstand pad for the treatment of contaminated soil is currently being constructed on site. This will allow further on-site remediation works to occur and mean soil can be reused on site where possible. 
There are now a total of nine groundwater monitoring wells on site in targeted locations. These wells were tested in early August, with results continuing to show no signs of contamination to the groundwater. 

EPA will continue to monitor and update the community on these results throughout the clean up and remediation works. 

Staying informed
EPA’s website is the best place to stay up to date. For a further update, view our July progress video on the clean up works: Lemon Springs update

Reviewed 19 September 2023