Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) continues the work to clean up and remove waste and contaminated soil from the cleanup site in Lemon Springs in the state’s north west.
So far about 1,300 tonnes of liquid waste and 2,300 tonnes of soil has been taken offsite and disposed.  
A total of 19 dump sites on the property have now been cleared of waste, with an estimated 13 further locations to be cleaned up. EPA is working closely with environmental experts and auditors to ensure the site is remediated to a safe condition, with the first excavation site successfully backfilled earlier this month. 
Local contractors are building an additional hardstand area to allow temporary storage of excavated material prior to offsite disposal. Completion of the hardstand is due shortly.
Results of the groundwater sampling conducted in March have shown no signs of contamination. Additional groundwater wells are scheduled to be installed on the site in the next month which will help to further monitoring of water quality. EPA will keep the community informed on the results of these throughout the project. 
Court proceedings are now underway in the matter with EPA alleging breaches by Graham Leslie White of several offences under the Environment Protection Act. A date for the trial is expected to be announced soon
Staying informed
EPA’s website is the best place to visit to stay up to date –  www.epa.vic.gov.au/lemonsprings.
For further information and feedback: 
· visit our website www.epa.vic.gov.au/lemonsprings
· call 1300 372 842
· email northwest.mailbox@epa.vic.gov.au
If you know someone interested in receiving monthly Lemon Springs updates, they can email northwest.mailbox@epa.vic.gov.au to register.

Reviewed 19 September 2023