For immediate use by media outlets.

It’s National Science Week (14-22 August 2021), and EPA has partnered with Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions for the second year in a row to produce a suite of podcasts showcasing the role of science in Victorian Government agencies.

Science in Government is a limited podcast series presented by Victoria's Lead Scientist, Dr Amanda Caples and Victoria's Chief Environmental Scientist, Prof Mark Patrick Taylor, that seeks to increase the awareness about the diversity of government science careers. 

The five podcasts feature 10 Victorian Government scientists discussing how they apply science in their roles. 

EPA’s Chief Environmental Scientist, Prof Mark Patrick Taylor says “Science Week provides an important opportunity to acknowledge the contributions all scientists and inspire our forthcoming ones.” 

“It provides an important platform to engage and encourage us all to be fascinated by the world we live in.”

There’s a new podcast available each weekday through National Science Week, here:  National Science Week Podcasts

Reviewed 9 August 2021