The Governing Board of Environment Protection Authority Victoria has appointed an internationally renowned expert on environmental contamination as Victoria’s new Chief Environmental Scientist.

Professor Mark Patrick Taylor will provide expert advice to EPA’s leadership team and other senior decision makers, including the Minister for Environment and Victoria’s Chief Health Officer.

The Chair of the EPA Governing Board, Professor Kate Auty said the appointment comes after an extensive international search.

“Professor Taylor is a strong advocate for environmental health. He was a leading advocate for the lowering of the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) national blood lead intervention level and has supported thousands of Australians in understanding and addressing trace metal exposure risks in their homes and gardens via his citizen science programs.”

“His work regarding the management of contaminated sites with a focus on the management of PFAS (perfluorinated chemicals) will ensure EPA Victoria remains at the forefront of emerging contaminant science,” Professor Auty said.

As Victoria’s Chief Environmental Scientist, Professor Taylor will provide expert advice during environmental emergencies and ensure science underpins EPA’s regulatory function.

Professor Taylor said he is excited to be joining EPA at a time of generational change.

“My life’s work has been focused on the prevention of harm to the community by reducing environmental health risks. The commencement of the General Environmental Duty and the new prevention-based legislation in Victoria is a huge step in the right direction and I am looking forward to contributing to this progressive change.”

“I am honoured to be appointed to this prestigious position with the EPA. I look forward to supporting the entire Victorian community in our collective efforts to attain better human and environmental health outcomes,” Professor Taylor said.

Professor Taylor starts on 26 July 2021.

Professor Mark Patrick Taylor career snapshot:

Professor of Environmental Science and Human Health at Macquarie University, Sydney, specialising in environmental contamination - October 1999 – 2021.
Commissioner, Land and Environment Court, Sydney - August 2008 – August 2009.
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, October 1998-October 1999.


Reviewed 4 August 2021