For immediate use by media outlets.

A conservation project at Winton Wetlands will receive $80,000 after the Benalla Magistrate’s Court ordered a particle board manufacturer to pay for the project instead of paying a fine.

The court imposed this sanction on Wednesday after Monsbent Pty Ltd, trading as D & R Henderson, pleaded guilty to charges laid by EPA.

The money will go to Winton Wetlands Committee of Management for a native species planting project that will rehabilitate areas of the wetlands reserve on Lake Mokoan Rd, Chesney Vale.

EPA charged the company and its director David Henderson after the Benalla manufacturing facility exceeded its licence limits for oxides of nitrogen, airborne particles, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide, as well as failing to notify EPA of the breaches.

Magistrate Mr Faram agreed to a submission from EPA and imposed the penalty under Section 67AC of the Environment Protection Act 1970.

The project will rehabilitate areas of the wetlands with the planting of up to 11,000 trees, shrubs and grasses, and direct seeding of up to 30 hectares with native trees and understory.

This is in line with the Victorian Government's Biodiversity 2037 Plan for Protecting the Victorian Environment.

The project has been designed by the Winton Wetlands Committee of Management working with EPA.  It is being led by Winton Wetlands in partnership with Merriwa Industries, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, the Regent Honey Eater Project and Yorta Yorta Nations Aboriginal Corporation. 

EPA North East Regional Manager Renee Palmer says it is a community-led environmental project that will produce practical benefits for local biodiversity.

“Extensive planting in the wetlands area will boost what is already a community asset and home to native plants and wildlife,” Ms Palmer said.

“And the fact the funding is coming from a penalty imposed for environmental offences sends a clear message to businesses that the Environment Protection Act and the conditions in their EPA licences are to be taken seriously,” she said.

“EPA conducts inspections and examines monitoring data, and members of the public can easily report pollution, so there is no option to just ignore the rules,” Ms Palmer said.


The magistrate also ordered Monsbent Pty Ltd and its Director to pay EPA’s legal costs totalling $6,811 and for those parties to be of good behaviour for six months.

Members of the public can report pollution by calling EPA’s 24-hour hotline on 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842).

Reviewed 9 August 2021