The Freedom of Information Act 1982  gives people a formal way to ask for documents of government agencies, including EPA. This is called a freedom of information (FOI) request. You can ask for any documents, including those that have: 

  • personal information about you 
  • information about government policies and decisions.

How to make an FOI request to EPA

Many documents about our policies and decisions are on our website. We suggest you search our website before making an FOI request.

An FOI request must be made in writing and clearly state the documents you want. You can email your request or send it by post:


EPA Victoria
Freedom of Information Officer
GPO Box 4395
Melbourne, Victoria 3001

You must provide a certified copy of a current photo ID if your request is for personal documents about you.

Another person can make an FOI request for you. For example, a lawyer. When another person makes an FOI request for your personal information, they must show that they have your permission to do so.

Fees and charges for freedom of information requests

There is an application fee to make an FOI request. You may also have to pay access charges. FOI fees and charges are in fee units. The Department of Treasury and Finance sets fee units.

The application fee and access charges don't need to be paid in some circumstances. For example, when you can prove you don't have the money to pay them. Contact our FOI team about whether your circumstances mean you don't have to pay.

Application fee

The current application fee is $32.70, which is the value of two fee units rounded to the nearest 10 cents. You can’t get this fee back, even if you don’t get the documents you want through your FOI request.

Contact us to find out how to pay an FOI application fee or access charge (see below).

Access charges

Access charges are for the costs to us to act on your FOI request. They can include: 

  • Search time: 1.5 fee units per hour 
  • Staff supervision: 1.5 fee units per 15 minutes 
  • Photocopying: 20 cents per black-and-white A4 page 
  • Listening to audio or viewing video 
  • Writing transcripts of audio or video.

How long it takes to decide your FOI request

We have 30 days to give you a decision on your request. In some circumstances, we can extend the time it takes to provide you with a decision. In that situation, our FOI team will contact you.

Complaints about FOI requests or processes

The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner has the power to review a decision you think is wrong. They can also hear complaints about how your FOI request was handled.

Read more about laws we follow

Privacy policy

EPA and digital privacy

EPA’s Disability Action Plan

Public interest disclosures

Reviewed 17 July 2024