Incident Date
27 July 2022
Locations Affected
Shepparton, Shepparton North, Mooroopna

EPA Region: North East

EPA is investigating odour impacts emitted from Goulburn Valley Water’s (GV Water) Shepparton Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) located in Daldy Road, Shepparton.  

About the incident

The odour (characteristic of sewage) is coming from GV Water’s Shepparton WWTF, which is a key piece of community infrastructure.  

The WWTF has a multistage treatment process.  This first step is an anerobic pond, which is a constructed pond that is covered and filled with wastes. These wastes undergo anaerobic (without oxygen) respiration as a first step in a larger treatment process. The covered pond captures the gases produced and burns them to generate power or flares any excess. 

The covered anerobic pond then feeds a series of uncovered or open ponds that further treat the wastewater using an aerobic (with oxygen) processes. It is alleged that the odour has been caused by higher than usual loads of wastes coming into the WWTF and colder and wetter winter conditions that  are impacting how well both stages (anerobic and aerobic) of the treatment process work.  

Compliance and enforcement  

Our officers have inspected the site several times to hold GV Water to account with the conditions of their EPA licence.  
We continue to provide technical advice and monitor actions being undertaken by GV Water to ensure they reduce the odour impacts beyond their site boundary as quickly as possible.   

We are also doing odour surveillance in the nearby residential areas to monitor GV Water’s progress and the impacts on community. EPA has conducted odour surveillance around the site on the following dates and will continue until the issues are fixed:

  • 17 August 2022
  • 29 August 2022
  • 31 August 2022
  • 6 September 2022
  • 9 September 2022
  • 15 September 2022

Community information 

It is EPA’s practice to make the results of our investigations public as soon as possible. Please bookmark and return to this page to view the latest updates from EPA.  

Daily updates on progress at the site can be found on GV Water’s website.  

Report odour

If you notice a strong odour in the area, please report it to us as soon as possible. You can:

Try to include as much information as possible, including: 

  • type of odour (read our guide on how to describe smells
  • wind strength and direction
  • your location.   


Reviewed 18 April 2024