Step one: Log in

Log in to the EPA portal.

Step two: Open the Manage Waste menu

In the Manage waste menu, choose the Waste transporter dashboard.

Step three: Waste transporter dashboard

In the Waste transporter dashboard click on the My grouped waste records tab.

Find the grouped waste record you would like to add to. Click the arrow next to it and choose View and edit details.

Note: The Number of Waste Records column shows how many individual records are already in the grouped waste record.   


Tip: To find a record, type the grouped waste record ID into the search bar and press the magnifying glass. You can also sort by clicking on any of the column headings.

Step four: View and edit details

In the View and edit details screen, click the Add waste records button.

Step five: Select waste records

In the Waste records pop up screen, select the waste records you want to group. You can choose one or multiple waste records listed.

The Waste Record ID you select will appear in the Selected records field. To remove a selected record, click the cross next to the selected record’s number.

Click Add to complete.

Step six: Dispatch date and driver details

Select a Dispatch date from the calendar and click on the magnifying glass to assign a driver.

Click Submit to finalise.

Tip: To find a driver, type the driver’s name into the search bar and press the magnifying glass.

The record will be automatically assigned if a driver is already listed. 

Step seven: Review and confirm details

A confirmation screen will appear to confirm the grouped waste record has been successfully created and submitted.

The Waste record will show as assigned in the Waste transporter dashboard.


  • The transporter must be connected to the driver within the EPA portal to assign them work.
  • The driver can reject the assignment of a grouped waste record or an individual waste record within a group. This will return the record to Open status and the transporter can assign it another driver.
  • The transporter can add individual records to the group anytime up until the grouped waste record is received.
  • A waste record will be automatically assigned to the listed driver if added to an existing grouped waste record.

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About Waste Tracker

Waste Tracker for drivers and transporters

Reviewed 6 February 2023