1. Municipal landfills servicing less than 5000 people – A05b
2. Reportable priority waste (transport) high risk – A10a
3. Transporting waste into Victoria – A11
4. Transporting waste out of Victoria – A12
5. Waste and resource recovery (medium) – A13b
6. Reclaimed wastewater supply or use – A14
7. Biosolids supply or use – A15
8. Supply or use of reportable priority waste – A16
9. Containment of Category D waste soil – A17
10. Discharge or deposit of waste to aquifer – A18
11. Temporary onsite waste treatment – A19
12. Animal industries (waste solely to land) – B01a
13. Livestock sale yards or holding pens (waste solely to land) – B02a
14. Operations outside of hours or extended operations – L05
Permits are our permissions tool for medium-risk activities.
The legal description of permit activities is in Schedule 1 of the Environment Protection Regulations 2021 (the Regulations).
1. Municipal landfills servicing less than 5000 people – A05b
Municipal landfill facilities occupied by a council servicing less than 5000 people must hold an A05b permit. This includes landfills that receive, discharge or deposit solid waste to land, including solid industrial waste.
Not included are landfills used only for the discharge or deposit solely to land of mining or extractive industry waste. This needs to be in line with the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990.
A05b conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
PER_G04a You must provide the Authority with a Permission Information and Performance Statement (PIPS) in the form determined by the Authority within 2 months of receiving notification in writing from the Authority. The PIPS may be released to the public (in whole or in part). Standard
PER_G04b Information and monitoring records used for the preparation of, inclusion in, or support of, any reporting or notification that is required of you by the Authority (including data reporting, performance reporting, documents evidencing any risk and monitoring program) must be:
a) retained for five years; and
b) made available to the Authority on request.
PER_G05 1. You must develop a risk management and monitoring program for your activities which:
(a) identifies all the risks of harm to human health and the environment which may arise from the activities you are engaging in at your activity site;
(b) clearly defines your environmental performance objectives;
(c) clearly defines your risk control performance objectives;
(d) describes how the environmental and risk control performance objectives are being achieved;
(e) identifies and describes how you will continue to eliminate or minimise the risks in 1(a) (above) so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP); and
(f) describes how the information collated in compliance with this clause, is or will be disseminated, used or otherwise considered by you or any other entity.
2. The risk management and monitoring program must be:
(a) documented in writing;
(b) signed by a duly authorised officer of the licensed entity; and
(c) made available to the Authority on request.
PER_L01 You must ensure that:
a) waste that is accepted for disposal at the site is only placed into cell(s) listed in Appendix 7; and
b) waste for disposal is not placed outside of the perimeter of any cell(s) listed in Appendix 7.
Standard PER_L02 Waste in the cell must be managed to minimise the emission of odours, the release of litter, and to avoid vermin being attracted to the activity site. Standard PER_L03 You must ensure that surface water is collected and directed away from the landfill.
Standard PER_L04 Waters contaminated by leachate must not be discharged beyond the boundaries of the site. Standard PER_L05 You must:
a) limit the tipping face of each cell to less than (placeholder) in length and (placeholder) in width;
b) only operate one tipping face at any time unless a second tipping face is required for short term operational reasons; and
c) ensure the active tipping face is mechanically stable.
Standard PER_L06 All waste in the waste filling areas or cells, apart from the active tipping face, must be covered at all times. Standard PER_L07 By the end of each (placeholder - time period) operations, waste must be covered in one of the following ways:
a) with a layer of soil at least 0.15 metres thick if the waste is only solid inert waste;
b) with a layer of soil at least 0.30 metres thick for all other wastes; or
c) using alternative cover approved by the Authority in writing.
Standard PER_L08 You must ensure that waste that has been previously deposited at the activity site is not recovered and reprocessed. Standard PER_L09 You must ensure that waste is not stockpiled at the activity site except in accordance with written approval from the Authority. Standard PER_L10 You must notify the Authority of your intention to commence construction of a new landfill cell at the activity site by written notice. Standard PER_L11 You must develop and implement a rehabilitation plan for the landfill. The plan must:
a) be revised as required after each area or cell is full;
b) set timeframes for the final capping of all completed areas or cells, calculated from the date that the area is (or is to be) completed or cell is (or is to be) full; and
(c) be made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_L11.1
You must implement a rehabilitation plan for the landfill. The plan must:
a) be revised as required after each area or cell is full;
b) set timeframes for the final capping of all completed areas or cells, calculated from the date that the area is (or is to be) completed or cell is (or is to be) full;
c) set timeframes for the progressive capture and treatment of landfill gas and leachate from each completed cell; and
(d) be made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_L12
You must place intermediate cover on all cells within one month of the date that the cell becomes full. The intermediate cover must be comprised of:
a) a minimum of 500 mm of compacted clay;
b) compacted clay rich soil; or
c) alternative cover approved by the Authority in writing.
Standard PER_L13
In circumstances where the deposit of waste in a cell is likely to cease for a period of three months or more, you must place intermediate cover on the cell within one month of the date that waste was last placed in the cell. The intermediate cover must be comprised of:
a) a minimum of 500 mm of compacted clay;
b) compacted clay rich soil; or
c) alternative cover approved by the Authority in writing.
Standard PER_L14
You must complete final capping of all cells within 2 years of the date that cell becomes full.
You must keep a register of waste information. The register must:
a) record the type and quantity of waste accepted at the activity site;
b) record the date on which this type of waste is accepted at the activity site; and
(c) be made available to the Authority on request.
You must ensure that a member of staff is present at the activity site to oversee the acceptance of waste.
You must take measures to prevent hotspots in the waste mass at the landfill site.
You must ensure that:
a) only waste of a type shown in Appendix 4 of this permit is accepted at the activity site; and
b) if any waste is received at the activity site that is not of a type shown in Appendix 4, that this waste is placed in a designated and clearly sign-posted temporary storage area and is transported to a site which is authorised to receive this waste within 21 days of the date it was received.
You must maintain an effective method of security which prevents unauthorised access.
2. Reportable priority waste (transport) high risk – A10a
Vehicles transporting waste classified as the following waste codes must have an A10a permit:
- B100 – acids in a solid form or acidic solutions with pH value of 4 or less
- E100 – oxidising agents (including peroxides)
- G100 – ethers and highly flammable hydrocarbons, including petrol and jet fuel
- R100 – clinical and related wastes, including biomedical waste, not otherwise specified in Schedule 5, of the Regulations.
Along with waste classified as these codes, this permit also allows you to transport any other type of reportable priority waste (transport). You don’t need to have an A10b registration for the same vehicle for other types of reportable priority waste (transport).
Vehicles transporting reportable priority waste, excluding the above waste codes, must have an A10b (Reportable priority waste (transport)) registration.
A10a conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01.01
A copy of this permit must be kept in the vehicle to which the permit applies and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in the permit activity. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
b) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
PER_WT01 No reportable priority wastes other than those listed in Appendix 2 may be transported by the vehicle listed in Appendix 1. Standard
PER_WT02 The holder of this permit must ensure that reportable priority waste (transport) is stored in a way which minimises the risk of waste escaping, spilling or leaking at any time during transport. Standard
PER_WT03 The holder of this permit must ensure that reportable priority waste (transport) of different types is not transported together unless the wastes are of a type or types that are compatible with each other.
PER_WT04 The holder of this permit must ensure that containers used to contain reportable priority waste (transport) during transport are compatible with the reportable priority waste (transport).
Standard PER_WT05 The holder of this permit must ensure that when a vehicle to which the permit applies is used to transport reportable priority waste, the driver has completed all EPA approved training requirements and all training certifications are current and valid. Standard PER_WT06 The holder of this permit must ensure that when a vehicle to which the permit applies is used to transport waste classified as a class of dangerous goods as per Appendix A of the Waste Classification Assessment protocol (EPA Publication 1827), the driver has completed all EPA approved training requirements and all training certifications are current and valid.
Standard PER_WT07 Subject to condition PER_WT08, a vehicle transporting the following industrial wastes in a tipper, tanker or container with a capacity of more than 500 kilograms or litres must display the 30XY Emergency Information Panel depicted in Figure 1:
a) D300
b) J100
c) J120
d) J130
e) J170
f) K100
g) K110
h) L100
i) L200-H
j) T130-NH
Standard PER_WT08 Where emergency information panels must be fixed to a vehicle, if the mounting of full-size panels is not possible due to vehicle design or construction, half-size panels are permitted to be fixed. Half-size panels must replicate the information and proportions and measure not less than half the dimensions of the full-size emergency information panel otherwise required.
Standard PER_WT09 A vehicle transporting clinical and pharmaceutical wastes must have the class label depicted in Figure 2 in black on a yellow background fixed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Standard PER_WT10 When clinical and pharmaceutical wastes are being transported, the waste(s) must be:
a) packaged in a manner which minimises the risk to handlers and the community; and
b) clearly labelled to identify the type of waste or wastes being transported.
Standard PER_WT11 All clinical and pharmaceutical wastes must be transported in a sealed load compartment that is lockable or in a lockable secondary container. Standard PER_WT12 You must ensure that, where you have made a declaration to the Authority that the vehicle to which the permit applies is fit for the purpose of transporting the reportable priority waste (transport), the vehicle and associated insurance and approvals are maintained in accordance with that declaration whenever the vehicle is transporting reportable priority waste (transport). Standard PER_WT13 The holder of this permit may unload the reportable priority waste (transport) onto another means of transport that will convey the waste interstate or overseas, provided that the Authority has approved the interstate or overseas destination. Standard PER_WT14 The holder of this permit must ensure there is an impact buffer distance between the rear of vehicle and liquid waste containers to prevent any spills if the rear of the vehicle is impacted.
Standard PER_WT15
The load compartment must be separated from the driver’s cabin by a solid partition.
Standard PER_WT16
A spill kit that is appropriate for the type and volume of waste being transported must be:
a) carried in the vehicle; and
b) accessible at all times.
Standard PER_WT17
All (solid) bulk loads must be fully contained and/or covered by a suitable tarpaulin cover that prevents reportable priority waste (transport), including dust, from leaving the vehicle.
Standard PER_WT18
The holder of this permit must ensure that the waste load compartment which is to be used for transporting packaged liquid waste is designed and maintained to ensure that it contains all spills effectively.
When asbestos waste is being transported, all asbestos waste must be appropriately packaged in a manner which prevents the release of airborne asbestos fibres. All asbestos waste must be securely loaded and stowed on the vehicle during transit in such a way that does not cause any of the packaging to rupture.
3. Transporting waste into Victoria – A11
Transporting controlled waste into Victoria will require an A11 permit.
The equivalent old permission of the A11 permit was a consignment authorisation to transport controlled waste into Victoria. This comes under clause 11 of the Industrial Waste Management Policy (Movement of Controlled Waste between States and Territories).
A11 conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_WT20
Only the controlled wastes listed in Appendix 2 can be transported into Victoria under this permit. Standard
The waste specified in Appendix 2 must only be transported to (placeholder - facility name and location).
You must have evidence that demonstrates that the originating State or Territory regulatory authority where the waste originated is satisfied with the movement of waste into Victoria.
PER_WT25 The waste specified in Appendix 2 must only be transported from (placeholder - facility name and location). Standard
4. Transporting waste out of Victoria – A12
Transporting any solid reportable priority waste (transport) out of Victoria will require an A12 permit.
A12 conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_WT23
Only the controlled wastes listed in Appendix 2 can be transported out of Victoria under this permit. Standard
The waste specified in Appendix 2 must only be transported to (placeholder - facility name and location).
You must have evidence that demonstrates that the relevant receiving State or Territory environment protection authority is satisfied with the movement of waste into their State or Territory.
PER_WT25 The waste specified in Appendix 2 must only be transported from (placeholder - facility name and location). Standard
5. Waste and resource recovery (medium) – A13b
You must have an A13b permit if your site receives, stores or processes waste generated at another site. This is when it’s for resource recovery or offsite transfer or disposal. This also depends on the amount of waste:
- received in any month
- stored on the site at any time.
A13b conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition, applying to all permits, will require your permit to be visible and accessible to all persons involved in the activities conducted at your site. As part of site induction and training, all relevant persons are to be trained in the requirements of this permission and the duties under the EP Act.
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition expands upon your obligation under section 32 of the Environment Protection Act 2017 to notify EPA in the event of a “notifiable” incident, and outlines additional requirements associated with the management of activities covered by the permission.
This condition applies across all operating licences and permits. Please refer to EPA Publication 1850 Guidance for operating licenses – 2.3 Notify conditions for detail on what is required.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition requires the permission holder to ensure that EPA is able to maintain up to date identifying and contact information.
This condition applies across all operating licences and permits. Please refer to EPA Publication 1850 Guidance for operating licenses – 2.3 Notify conditions for detail on what is required.
PER_G04a You must provide the Authority with a Permission Information and Performance Statement (PIPS) in the form determined by the Authority within 2 months of receiving notification in writing from the Authority. The PIPS may be released to the public (in whole or in part).
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition requires permission holders to provide information and report on performance.
This condition applies across all operating licences and permits. Please refer to EPA Publication 1850 Guidance for operating licenses – 2.2 Reporting and record keeping conditions for detail on what is required.
PER_G04b Information and monitoring records used for the preparation of, inclusion in, or support of, any reporting or notification that is required of you by the Authority (including data reporting, performance reporting, documents evidencing any risk and monitoring program) must be:
a) retained for five years; and
b) made available to the Authority on request.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition requires information and records associated with the preparation of reports or notifications to EPA under this permission, to be maintained for five years.
This condition applies across all operating licences and permits. Please refer to EPA Publication 1850 Guidance for operating licenses – 2.2 Reporting and record keeping conditions for detail on what is required.
Standard PER_G05
1. You must develop a risk management and monitoring program for your activities which:
(a) identifies all the risks of harm to human health and the environment which may arise from the activities you are engaging in at your activity site;
(b) clearly defines your environmental performance objectives;
(c) clearly defines your risk control performance objectives;
(d) describes how the environmental and risk control performance objectives are being achieved;
(e) identifies and describes how you will continue to eliminate or minimise the risks in 1(a) so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP); and
(f) describes how the information collated in compliance with this clause, is or will be disseminated, used or otherwise considered by you or any other entity.
2. The risk management and monitoring program must be:
(a) documented in writing;
(b) signed by a duly authorised officer of the licensed entity; and
(c) made available to the Authority on request.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition requires a risk management and monitoring program (RMMP) to be developed and maintained for your permitted activities.
This condition applies across all operating licences and permits. Please refer to EPA Publication 1850 Guidance for operating licenses – 2.1. Risk management and monitoring condition for detail on what is required.
PER_G06 You must:
(a) by (placeholder - insert date), provide the Authority with a financial assurance in a form and for an amount determined by the Authority; and
(b) maintain such financial assurance (including any part of such assurance) so that it can be claimed on, utilised or realised by the Authority as and when required.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
Financial Assurance is a financial instrument that is required to be put in place as a condition of particular permissioned activities.
More information on this condition is available in EPA Publication 1850 Guidance for operating licenses – Part 3: Financial assurance.
Standard PER_G06.01
You must:
(a) prior to receiving waste at the site, provide the Authority with a financial assurance in a form and for an amount determined by the Authority; and
(b) maintain such financial assurance (including any part of such assurance) so that it can be claimed on, utilised or realised by the Authority as and when required.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
Financial Assurance is a financial instrument that is required to be put in place as a condition of particular permissioned activities.
More information on this condition is available in EPA Publication 1850 Guidance for operating licenses – Part 3: Financial assurance.
Specific PER_WR02
For all wastes of a type listed in Appendix 4, you must keep records of:
a) incoming and outgoing movements of waste;
b) the location of waste at your activity site; and
c) the waste type of any waste located at your activity site.
These records must be retained for five years and be made available to the Authority on request.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition requires the recording and retention of information on the receipt or disposal of waste from the site. This requires a process to effectively identify and classify incoming wastes to ensure only those permitted are accepted, a method of tracking the location of particular wastes within the site, and a suitable system to record the information.
Standard PER_WR03
You must not store more than (placeholder) of all wastes at the activity site at one time. The method for calculating this volume must be agreed to in writing with the Authority.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition specifies the maximum amount of waste that you may store. Storage of large quantities of waste typically represents a substantial hazard to the environment. This issue is taken into account when determining the amount of financial assurance you are required to have, which is calculated according to the amount and type of waste stored at your premises.
This requires a tracking system that allows you to determine the amount of waste stored on site at any one time, and a process to trigger alerts when capacity limits are being approached.
Exceeding the maximum storage capacity at any time is a non-compliance with this condition and must be reported to EPA.
Standard PER_WR04
Wastes must only be stored in the allotted bays as per Appendix 2 of this permit.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition requires you to have a way of defining the boundaries of allocated bays specified in your permission and identifying when waste is stored outside limits.
This may include a site map showing deposit and receival locations for different waste types and physical markings on site to ensure waste is only deposited in the allotted bays.
Standard PER_WR05
All wastes whether comingled, separated, sorted or otherwise must be managed so as the maximum temperature within any waste is not above 90 degrees Celsius when stored.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
Combustible recyclable and waste materials can pose a serious risk to the environment and human health. To reduce the risk of waste self-combusting, this condition requires the maximum temperature within a stockpile of waste to be managed so as to not exceed 90 degrees Celsius.
This may include using a combination of fire controls, such as: probing, indoor/undercover storage, thermal imaging cameras, high fire risk days, pile orientation, bunker walls or separation/free air gaps.
More information on ways to manage the risk of fire in recyclable and waste materials is available in chapter 5 of EPA publication 1667 Management and storage of combustible recyclable and waste materials – guideline.
Standard PER_WR06
You must ensure all buildings involved in the receival, storage and processing of waste are maintained under negative pressure.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
When odour and dust pose a risk to outside environments, a system that maintains a negative pressure within the building must be in place.
Mechanisms such as ribbons or sheets, and pressure gauges may be used to achieve negative pressure in an enclosed building and reduce the risks from odour and dust.
More information on how to manage the risks of odour is available on the EPA website.
Specific PER_WR07
You must prepare an emergency management plan which:
(a) includes details of the following matters:
(i) actions to be taken during and immediately after a pollution incident;
(ii) safety equipment stored at the activity site to control a pollution incident (and details of routine inspections and regular maintenance of such equipment);
(iii) contact information for the individuals on site responsible for managing the response to a pollution incident;
(iv) the procedure for notifying surrounding sites and relevant agencies of the pollution incident;
(v) a map of the activity site and surrounding areas (including sensitive receptors) that could be potentially impacted during a pollution incident;
(vi) emergency response training which has been provided to all persons involved in the activities conducted at the activity site; and
(vii) identification of all persons involved in activities at the activity site who have completed emergency response and other relevant training applicable to responding to a pollution incident;
(b) is reviewed and, if necessary, revised and updated whenever the hazards, risks or contact details of relevant persons change at the activity site;
(c) must be made available to the Authority on request; and
(d) must be reviewed by a suitably qualified person
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
All duty holders must comply with the GED and section 25(4) (c) of the Act, which requires you to “use and maintain adequate systems to ensure that if a risk of harm to human health or the environment from pollution or waste were to eventuate, its harmful effects would be minimised;”
This condition clarifies that for permission holders, a documented environmental emergency management plan (EEMP) is required and is to contain the matters described in the condition, including a process for regular review and updating.
More information on the preparation on an EEMP is described in chapter 6 of EPA publication 1667 Management and storage of combustible recyclable and waste materials – guideline.
You must ensure that:
a) only waste of a type shown in Appendix 4 of this permit is accepted at the activity site, except where waste is received in accordance with a permission, determination or designation issued by the Authority under the Environment Protection Act 2017 or regulations made pursuant to that Act; and
b) if any waste is received at the activity site that is not in accordance with a) (above), that this waste is placed in a designated and clearly sign-posted temporary storage area and is transported to a site which is authorised to receive this waste within 21 days of the date it was received.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition requires a process to effectively identify and classify incoming wastes to ensure only those permitted are accepted, and a way of managing incoming material that you are not lawfully permitted to accept.
Standard PER_WM02
All plant and equipment must be maintained and operated in proper working condition, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition will help you comply with your General Environmental Duty by ensuring that all plant and equipment are maintained and operated in accordance with manufacturers specifications.More information is available in EPA publication 1695 Assessing and controlling risk: A guide for business.
You must maintain an effective method of security which prevents unauthorised access.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition requires the perimeter of the site to be surrounded by a firmly anchored fence or other effective method of security which prevents unauthorised access and is constructed to discourage entry.
Standard PER_WM06
You must maintain onsite firefighting equipment and access to water supplies that are capable of controlling and extinguishing a fire at the activity site.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition requires firefighting equipment for use by emergency services and staff, and sufficient quantities of water to extinguish an onsite fire to be available onsite at all times. The necessary equipment and water supplies should be informed by a site fire risk assessment that identifies all fire hazards and the resources and equipment necessary to manage the identified scenarios.
More information on managing the risk of fire is available at EPA Publication 1667 - Management and storage of combustible recyclable and waste materials – guideline.
Standard PER_WM07
You must store and manage waste in a manner which minimises the risk of fires.
Information that may assist you to comply with this condition:
This condition states that fires are not allowed to occur at the site. Operators of permissioned activities should ensure the risk of self-combustion is appropriately managed and mitigated.
Fires are not only hazardous to the safety of employees and neighbours, but they may also produce odour and smoke and release dangerous chemicals to the air and soil.
More information on managing the risk of fire is available at EPA Publication 1667 - Management and storage of combustible recyclable and waste materials – guideline.
6. Reclaimed wastewater supply or use – A14
Sites supplying or using reclaimed wastewater must hold an A14 permit. An exception to this is if you are performing the activity according to an EPA licence.
See changes to permits for supply or use of reclaimed wastewater and permissioning of supply or use of reclaimed wastewater - A14 permits for more information.
A14 conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
PER_G04a You must provide the Authority with a Permission Information and Performance Statement (PIPS) in the form determined by the Authority within 2 months of receiving notification in writing from the Authority. The PIPS may be released to the public (in whole or in part). Standard
PER_G04b Information and monitoring records used for the preparation of, inclusion in, or support of, any reporting or notification that is required of you by the Authority (including data reporting, performance reporting, documents evidencing any risk and monitoring program) must be:
a) retained for five years; and
b) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_G05
1. You must develop a risk management and monitoring program for your activities which:
(a) identifies all the risks of harm to human health and the environment which may arise from the activities you are engaging in at your activity site;
(b) clearly defines your environmental performance objectives;
(c) clearly defines your risk control performance objectives;
(d) describes how the environmental and risk control performance objectives are being achieved;
(e) identifies and describes how you will continue to eliminate or minimise the risks in 1(a) so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP); and
(f) describes how the information collated in compliance with this clause, is or will be disseminated, used or otherwise considered by you or any other entity.
2. The risk management and monitoring program must be:
(a) documented in writing;
(b) signed by a duly authorised officer of the licensed entity; and
(c) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_RW01 You must keep records of all sites and end users to which you supply reclaimed wastewater. The records must include:
a) site addresses of where the reclaimed wastewater is being used;
b) quantity and quality of the reclaimed wastewater supplied;
c) all monitoring undertaken;
d) end-uses of the reclaimed wastewater; and
e) the agreement between the supplier and the end user.
These records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_RW02
You must take all reasonable steps to confirm that all users you are supplying with reclaimed wastewater are authorised to receive the wastewater.
Standard PER_RW03
You must ensure that reclaimed wastewater is treated to a sufficient quality required for the intended use. Standard PER_RW04
You must not supplement reclaimed water with other water sources to improve the quality of inadequately treated reclaimed water, prior to discharge or re-use, other than to dilute elevated TDS concentrations or to supplement volumes.
Standard PER_RW05
You must prevent the cross connection of the reclaimed wastewater system to a potable water supply system. Standard PER_RW06
You must ensure:
a) above ground and buried pipes and outlet taps are coloured purple; and
b) external hose tap outlets are marked with a warning sign with the words ‘Warning: reclaimed water – not for drinking’.
Standard PER_RW07
You must ensure that above ground distribution systems are not laid closer than 100 millimetres from potable water pipes and below ground distribution systems are not laid closer than 300 millimetres from potable water pipes. Standard
You must notify the user of the reclaimed wastewater if there are any non-compliances with this permit.
Standard PER_RW09 You must notify the supplier of the reclaimed wastewater if there are any non-compliances with this permit.
You must develop an emergency blue-green algal response plan. The response plan must detail:
a) allowance for alternative supply systems;
b) measures to allow the screening or filtering of reclaimed water before supply or application;
c) suitable mechanisms to clean and flush the distribution system;
d) a blue-green algal monitoring program; and
e) threshold blue-green algal cell numbers that trigger contingency actions.
The emergency blue-green algal response plan must be made available to the Authority on request.
Specific PER_RW11 Your risk management and monitoring program (RMMP) referenced in condition PER_G05 must include and maintain a Health and Environment Management Plan (HEMP) that is in accordance with the "Victorian guideline for water recycling" (EPA Publication 1910), as amended from time to time. Standard PER_RW11.01 Your risk management and monitoring program (RMMP) referenced in condition PER_G05 must include and maintain a Health and Environment Management Plan (HEMP) that is approved by the Authority and is in accordance with the "Victorian guideline for water recycling" (EPA Publication 1910), as amended from time to time. Specific
7. Biosolids supply or use – A15
Sites supplying or using biosolids must hold an A15 permit. An exception to this is if you are performing the activity according to an EPA licence for A03 (Sewage treatment).
See guidance for A15 permits for more information.
A15 conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
PER_G04a You must provide the Authority with a Permission Information and Performance Statement (PIPS) in the form determined by the Authority within 2 months of receiving notification in writing from the Authority. The PIPS may be released to the public (in whole or in part). Standard
PER_G04b Information and monitoring records used for the preparation of, inclusion in, or support of, any reporting or notification that is required of you by the Authority (including data reporting, performance reporting, documents evidencing any risk and monitoring program) must be:
a) retained for five years; and
b) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_G05
1. You must develop a risk management and monitoring program for your activities which:
(a) identifies all the risks of harm to human health and the environment which may arise from the activities you are engaging in at your activity site;
(b) clearly defines your environmental performance objectives;
(c) clearly defines your risk control performance objectives;
(d) describes how the environmental and risk control performance objectives are being achieved;
(e) identifies and describes how you will continue to eliminate or minimise the risks in 1(a) so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP); and
(f) describes how the information collated in compliance with this clause, is or will be disseminated, used or otherwise considered by you or any other entity.
2. The risk management and monitoring program must be:
(a) documented in writing;
(b) signed by a duly authorised officer of the licensed entity; and
(c) made available to the Authority on request.
PER_B01 You must keep records of all sites and end users to which you supply biosolids. The records must include:
a) site addresses of where the biosolids are being used;
b) quantity and quality of the biosolids supplied;
c) all monitoring undertaken;
d) end-uses of the biosolids; and
e) the agreement between the supplier and the end user.
These records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_B02
You must keep the following records:
a) batch identification (or for a continuous operation, the biosolids produced between sampling periods);
b) production period;
c) contaminant concentrations and batch grade;
d) historic trends of contaminant levels;
e) treatment process, microbiological testing stabilisation method and resultant treatment grade;
f) concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and other relevant nutrients in biosolids;
g) details of incidents and the corrective action taken;
h) inspection and maintenance reports;
i) quantity (dry tonnes) and solids content of the batch; and
j) the type of product produced.
These records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_B03
You must keep records of all complaints and rectification actions regarding any use of the biosolids. The records must include:
a) the nature of the complaint;
b) the time and date of the complaint;
c) the investigation that resulted and any outcomes of the investigations; and
d) any actions taken by the biosolids user.
These records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_B04
You must ensure that the biosolid product meets the biosolids classification required for the intended use.
Standard PER_B05
You must take all reasonable steps to confirm that all users you are supplying with biosolids are authorised to receive the waste.
Standard PER_B06
Biosolids must be stored within a bunded storage area with an impermeable to low permeable base which is designed to capture any contaminated run-off. Standard PER_B07
Biosolid stockpiles must be located on a slope of less than five percent.
Unrestricted grade biosolids must be clearly labelled, or accompanied, with information that specifies the contents and indicative application rates. Standard PER_B09 You must restrict public access for one year after the application of biosolids to areas with high potential for public exposure.
You must restrict public access for 30 days after the application of biosolids to areas where there is a low potential for public exposure. Specific PER_B10
You must keep the following records:
a) the location of the application site;
b) the name and occupier or owner of the site;
c) identification of the area of the site used for discharge or deposit of the biosolids;
d) date of discharge or deposit;
e) concentrations of contaminants in soil and soil pH before discharge or deposit of biosolids;
f) nitrogen limiting biosolids application rate;
g) contaminant limited biosolids application rate and the limiting contaminant;
h) actual application rate of biosolids;
i) method of discharge or deposit of biosolids;
j) source of biosolids received and batch number;
k) contaminant grade and contaminant application concentrations of contaminants in biosolids applied;
l) treatment grade and method of achieving stabilisation grade and microbiological testing results of biosolids applied; and
m) the land capability assessment for the site.These records must be made kept for five years available to the Authority on request.
8. Supply or use of reportable priority waste – A16
Sites supplying or using any waste classified as reportable priority waste (transport) must hold an A16 permit.
A16 conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
PER_G04a You must provide the Authority with a Permission Information and Performance Statement (PIPS) in the form determined by the Authority within 2 months of receiving notification in writing from the Authority. The PIPS may be released to the public (in whole or in part). Standard
PER_G04b Information and monitoring records used for the preparation of, inclusion in, or support of, any reporting or notification that is required of you by the Authority (including data reporting, performance reporting, documents evidencing any risk and monitoring program) must be:
a) retained for five years; and
b) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_G05
1. You must develop a risk management and monitoring program for your activities which:
(a) identifies all the risks of harm to human health and the environment which may arise from the activities you are engaging in at your activity site;
(b) clearly defines your environmental performance objectives;
(c) clearly defines your risk control performance objectives;
(d) describes how the environmental and risk control performance objectives are being achieved;
(e) identifies and describes how you will continue to eliminate or minimise the risks in 1(a) so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP); and
(f) describes how the information collated in compliance with this clause, is or will be disseminated, used or otherwise considered by you or any other entity.
2. The risk management and monitoring program must be:
(a) documented in writing;
(b) signed by a duly authorised officer of the licensed entity; and
(c) made available to the Authority on request.
PER_RP01 You must keep:
a) records of all monitoring undertaken; and
b) a copy of the agreement between the supplier and the end user.
These records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_RP02
You must take all reasonable steps to confirm that all recipients that you are supplying with reportable priority waste are authorised to receive the waste.
Specific PER_RP03
You must keep records of:
(a) incoming movements of waste into your activity site;
(b) the current location of waste at your activity site; and
(c) the waste type of any waste located at your activity site.
Specific PER_WM01
You must ensure that:
a) only waste of a type shown in Appendix 4 of this permit is accepted at the activity site; and
b) if any waste is received at the activity site that is not of a type shown in Appendix 4, that this waste is placed in a designated and clearly sign-posted temporary storage area and is transported to a site which is authorised to receive this waste within 21 days of the date it was received.
Standard PER_WM03
Each container holding waste at the activity site must be labelled so that the contents and the waste producer can be identified.
Standard PER_WM04
All unloading, loading, processing, storage and general handling of liquid wastes, reportable priority wastes, oils and chemicals must be conducted in a way which prevents leaks and spills from escaping to the environment.
Standard PER_WM08
You can store up to (placeholder) at the activity site at any time.
9. Containment of Category D waste soil – A17
You must have an A17 permit for containment on a project site of Category D waste soil, generated at that site.
A17 conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 372 842 in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
PER_CD01 This permit applies to the following waste generated at (placeholder).
You must keep records of:
(a) the incoming quantity of Category D waste soil;
(b) the current location of waste at the activity site; and
(c) all laboratory analyses reports of wastes.
These records must be kept for five years and must be made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_CD04
Leachate generated on site must be transported to a facility lawfully authorised to receive the waste or discharged to sewer in accordance with a trade waste agreement.
Standard PER_CD05
Category D waste soil which is excess or otherwise not contained during the course of the activity must be transported to a site which is authorised to receive this waste within 90 days of the date on which waste soil was initially received at the project site.
Standard PER_CD06
Following completion of containment of Category D waste soil at the activity site, the holder of this permit must develop and submit a post-containment soil management plan. The soil management plan must include:
a) the clear identification and details of the quantity and type of Category D waste soil;
b) vector coordinates of the location of Category D waste soil;
c) information regarding the final separation layers used for containment and management; and
d) engineering controls and any other steps or processes (including monitoring and assessment) applying to the management of the Category D waste soil to eliminate or minimise any actual or potential risks of harm to human health or the environment arising or which may arise from containment of the soil.
This management plan must be sent to the Authority at permissions@epa.vic.gov.au within 30 days of completion of containment of the Category D waste soil at the activity site.Specific PER_CD07
Category D waste soil must be sampled in accordance with Soil sampling (publication IWRG702 released, June 2009) and classified in accordance with Waste disposal categories - characteristics and thresholds (publication 1828, released March 2020).
Specific PER_WM01
You must ensure that:
a) only waste of a type shown in Appendix 4 of this permit is accepted at the activity site; and
b) if any waste is received at the activity site that is not of a type shown in Appendix 4, that this waste is placed in a designated and clearly sign-posted temporary storage area and is transported to a site which is authorised to receive this waste within 21 days of the date it was received.
10. Discharge or deposit of waste to aquifer – A18
Sites that discharge or deposit waste to aquifer must hold an A18 permit.
This does not include sites that:
- discharge or deposit waste according to an EPA licence
- inject water or chemicals for the remediation of groundwater in the aquifer according to relevant guidelines published or approved by the Authority
- discharge or deposit waste to aquifer according to the Greenhouse Gas Geological Sequestration Act 2008.
A18 conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
You must provide the Authority with a Permission Information and Performance Statement (PIPS) in the form determined by the Authority within 2 months of receiving notification in writing from the Authority. The PIPS may be released to the public (in whole or in part).
Information and monitoring records used for the preparation of, inclusion in, or support of, any reporting or notification that is required of you by the Authority (including data reporting, performance reporting, documents evidencing any risk and monitoring program) must be:
a) retained for five years; and
b) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_G05
1. You must develop a risk management and monitoring program for your activities which:
(a) identifies all the risks of harm to human health and the environment which may arise from the activities you are engaging in at your activity site;
(b) clearly defines your environmental performance objectives;
(c) clearly defines your risk control performance objectives;
(d) describes how the environmental and risk control performance objectives are being achieved;
(e) identifies and describes how you will continue to eliminate or minimise the risks in 1(a) (above) so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP); and
(f) describes how the information collated in compliance with this clause, is or will be disseminated, used or otherwise considered by you or any other entity.
2. The risk management and monitoring program must be:
(a) documented in writing;
(b) signed by a duly authorised officer of the licensed entity; and
(c) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_AQ01
You must not discharge waste to aquifer at a rate of more than (placeholder).
Standard PER_AQ02
You must keep records of:
a) the quantity, quality and type of waste discharged or deposited to aquifer at each point of discharge;
b) the results from all monitoring undertaken in accordance with the groundwater management and monitoring plan;
c) any exceedances of trigger values; and
d) any implemented contingency measures.
The records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_AQ03
The groundwater quality objectives for (placeholder - list indicators) are not required to be met within the attenuation zone, as shown in Appendix 2.
11. Temporary onsite waste treatment – A19
Sites operating a temporary plant for on-site treatment of industrial waste generated at the site must hold an A19 permit. This is when the temporary plant is for a maximum cumulative operating time of 12 months, within any 3-year period.
A19 conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
You must provide the Authority with a Permission Information and Performance Statement (PIPS) in the form determined by the Authority within 2 months of receiving notification in writing from the Authority. The PIPS may be released to the public (in whole or in part).
Information and monitoring records used for the preparation of, inclusion in, or support of, any reporting or notification that is required of you by the Authority (including data reporting, performance reporting, documents evidencing any risk and monitoring program) must be:
a) retained for five years; and
b) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_G05
1. You must develop a risk management and monitoring program for your activities which:
(a) identifies all the risks of harm to human health and the environment which may arise from the activities you are engaging in at your activity site;
(b) clearly defines your environmental performance objectives;
(c) clearly defines your risk control performance objectives;
(d) describes how the environmental and risk control performance objectives are being achieved;
(e) identifies and describes how you will continue to eliminate or minimise the risks in 1(a) (above) so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP); and
(f) describes how the information collated in compliance with this clause, is or will be disseminated, used or otherwise considered by you or any other entity.
2. The risk management and monitoring program must be:
(a) documented in writing;
(b) signed by a duly authorised officer of the licensed entity; and
(c) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_TW01 Visible emissions to air other than steam must not be discharged from the activity site, except as permitted by this permit. Specific PER_TW02
When treating (placeholder - waste type) you must operate the waste incinerator at a maximum feed rate of (placeholder - quantity and units) per hour, a secondary chamber combustion temperature of at least (placeholder - 850 OR 1100]) degrees Celsius and at least 2 seconds residence time.
Specific PER_TW03
All waste at the activity site must be stored in a roofed area.
Specific PER_WM03 Each container holding waste at the activity site must be labelled so that the contents and the waste producer can be identified.
Specific PER_WM04 All unloading, loading, processing, storage and general handling of liquid wastes, reportable priority wastes, oils and chemicals must be conducted in a way which prevents leaks and spills from escaping to the environment. Specific PER_WM05 You must maintain an effective method of security which prevents unauthorised access. Specific PER_WM06 You must maintain onsite fire fighting equipment and access to water supplies that are capable of controlling and extinguishing a fire at the activity site.
Specific PER_WM07
You must store and manage waste in a manner which minimises the risk of fires. Specific PER_WM08
You can store up to (placeholder - quantity and units) at the activity site at any time.
12. Animal industries (waste solely to land) – B01a
The following animal industry sites must hold a B01a permit. This is if they have more than 5000 animals concentrated together in a piggery, feedlot or dairy for agricultural production. Also, if the operators discharge or deposit waste solely to land. They include:
- piggeries
- cattle feedlots
- sheep feedlots
- goat feedlots
- dairy freestalls.
B01a conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
You must provide the Authority with a Permission Information and Performance Statement (PIPS) in the form determined by the Authority within 2 months of receiving notification in writing from the Authority. The PIPS may be released to the public (in whole or in part).
Information and monitoring records used for the preparation of, inclusion in, or support of, any reporting or notification that is required of you by the Authority (including data reporting, performance reporting, documents evidencing any risk and monitoring program) must be:
a) retained for five years; and
b) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_G05
1. You must develop a risk management and monitoring program for your activities which:
(a) identifies all the risks of harm to human health and the environment which may arise from the activities you are engaging in at your activity site;
(b) clearly defines your environmental performance objectives;
(c) clearly defines your risk control performance objectives;
(d) describes how the environmental and risk control performance objectives are being achieved;
(e) identifies and describes how you will continue to eliminate or minimise the risks in 1(a) (above) so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP); and
(f) describes how the information collated in compliance with this clause, is or will be disseminated, used or otherwise considered by you or any other entity.
2. The risk management and monitoring program must be:
(a) documented in writing;
(b) signed by a duly authorised officer of the licensed entity; and
(c) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_WL01
You must keep records of:
a) the location where any waste is discharged or deposited;
b) the date of discharge or deposit;
c) the method of discharge or deposit; and
d) the quantity of waste discharged or deposited to land.
The records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_WL02
You must keep records of:
a) the quantity and quality of the waste being discharged or deposited to land;
b) waste quality commitments and targets;
c) all monitoring undertaken; and
d) details of incidents and the corrective actions taken.
The records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_WL03
You must keep records of all complaints and rectification actions regarding waste discharged or deposited to land. The records must include:
a) the nature of the complaint;
b) the time and date of the complaint;
c) any investigation that resulted and the outcomes of any investigation; and
d) any other actions taken to address the complaint.
These records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_WL04
You must ensure the waste being discharged or deposited to land meets the quality required for the intended use.
Standard PER_WL05
You must ensure that the area where waste is discharged or deposited to land has appropriate signage in accordance with AS 1319-1994 Safety signs for the occupational environment.
Standard PER_WL06
You must restrict public access to the activity site during irrigation periods.
Standard PER_WM02
All plant and equipment must be maintained and operated in proper working condition, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
13. Livestock sale yards or holding pens (waste solely to land) – B02a
Sites operating livestock sale yards or holding pens must hold a B02a permit. This is if they have a throughput of at least 10,000 animal units per year. Also, if they discharge or deposit waste solely to land.
B02a conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G1
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
You must provide the Authority with a Permission Information and Performance Statement (PIPS) in the form determined by the Authority within 2 months of receiving notification in writing from the Authority. The PIPS may be released to the public (in whole or in part).
Information and monitoring records used for the preparation of, inclusion in, or support of, any reporting or notification that is required of you by the Authority (including data reporting, performance reporting, documents evidencing any risk and monitoring program) must be:
a) retained for five years; and
b) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_G5
1. You must develop a risk management and monitoring program for your activities which:
(a) identifies all the risks of harm to human health and the environment which may arise from the activities you are engaging in at your activity site;
(b) clearly defines your environmental performance objectives;
(c) clearly defines your risk control performance objectives;
(d) describes how the environmental and risk control performance objectives are being achieved;
(e) identifies and describes how you will continue to eliminate or minimise the risks in 1(a) (above) so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP); and
(f) describes how the information collated in compliance with this clause, is or will be disseminated, used or otherwise considered by you or any other entity.
2. The risk management and monitoring program must be:
(a) documented in writing;
(b) signed by a duly authorised officer of the licensed entity; and
(c) made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_WL1
You must keep records of:
a) the location where any waste is discharged or deposited;
b) the date of discharge or deposit;
c) the method of discharge or deposit; and
d) the quantity of waste discharged or deposited to land.
The records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_WL2
You must keep records of:
a) the quantity and quality of the waste being discharged or deposited to land;
b) waste quality commitments and targets;
c) all monitoring undertaken; and
d) details of incidents and the corrective actions taken.
The records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_WL3
You must keep records of all complaints and rectification actions regarding waste discharged or deposited to land. The records must include:
a) The nature of the complaint;
b) the time and date of the complaint;
c) any investigation that resulted and the outcomes of any investigation; and
d) Any other actions taken to address the complaint.
These records must be kept for five years and made available to the Authority on request.
Standard PER_WL4
You must ensure the waste being discharged or deposited to land meets the quality required for the intended use.
Standard PER_WL5
You must ensure that the area where waste is discharged or deposited to land has appropriate signage in accordance with AS 1319-1994 Safety signs for the occupational environment.
Standard PER_WL6
You must restrict public access to the activity site during irrigation periods.
Standard PER_WM2
All plant and equipment must be maintained and operated in proper working condition, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
14. Operations outside of hours or extended operations – L05
Sites operating an outdoor entertainment event or outdoor entertainment venue must hold an L05 permit. This is under the circumstances set out in Regulation 129(1), or Regulation 128(1) of the Environment Protection Regulations 2021.
L05 conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
A sound check for each stage must be performed prior to the event/concert. During the sound check, music levels must be set at each stage to ensure that no aggravated noise or unreasonable noise is generated.
Sound systems at the activity site must have a limiter/compressor installed for all stages.
Standard PER_N03
Speakers at outdoor stages must be placed and positioned in a manner which minimises sound travelling beyond the event area.
Standard PER_N04
A complaints hotline must be established and operated for the duration of the event. A suitably qualified person must investigate any complaints. The results of the investigation and the action taken must be recorded and reported to the complainant.
Standard PER_N05
You must send a notice to residents located within (placeholder - resident notification zone) of the event, the council and the Authority at least 14 days prior to the event. The notice must include the following information:
a) the event's complaints hotline number;
b) the date(s) and times the event will be operating; and
c) the location of the event.
Standard PER_N06
A suitably qualified person must monitor, throughout the entire event, the pre-determined noise sensitive locations and any additional locations that may become necessary based on the conditions and complaints encountered..
Standard PER_N07
The suitably qualified person must be able to directly contact the production manager, sound engineers, event organiser and any hotline staff throughout the event.
Standard PER_N08
Procedures must be in place to allow for an immediate reduction of the music levels of all stages if required. The production manager (or equivalent) must ensure that sound engineers (or equivalent) reduce music levels when instructed.
Standard PER_N09
1. You must complete a report with details regarding complaints received and monitoring completed during the event.
2. The report must include:
a) date and time of all complaints;
b) the investigations that resulted and any outcomes of the investigations;
c) any actions taken as a result of the complaints; and
d) all monitoring completed during the event.
3. This report must be sent to the Authority at permissions@epa.vic.gov.au and the council within 30 days of the event.
Standard PER_N10
Noise loggers must be installed at (placeholder - specific location).
Noise measurements must be taken every hour from (placeholder – time) onwards each day at (placeholder - specific location ((the most affected dwelling)), specific location 2 - ((most affected southern dwelling)) and specific location 3 - ((most affected past complainant))), and at the location of previous complaints.
This permit is valid for the approved concert or event dates and/or operating times specified as follows: A) Sunday 4 December 2022 from 7.00 am to 11.00 am B). C). D). E). F), G). H). I). J).
(Parts A) to J) are just placeholders where we write the date and the times in 24:00 format).
15. Conducting more than six outdoor concerts – L06
Sites conducting more than six concerts in an outdoor entertainment venue, within a financial year, must hold an L06 permit. Likewise, sites conducting a concert at a location where six concerts have already occurred, within a financial year, must hold an L06 permit. This is in the case of an outdoor entertainment event.
L06 conditions
Note: Where a condition includes the words ‘placeholder’, values will be populated with information that is specific to your site.
Where a condition includes a reference to a ‘Figure’ or ‘Appendix’ information will be populated that’s specific to your site.
Condition code Description Type PER_G01
A copy of this permit must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the permit and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information. Standard
You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) a discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) a malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) any breach of the permit.
You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) any change to your name or address (including your registered address and site as applicable); or
(b) a change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
A sound check for each stage must be performed prior to the event/concert. During the sound check, music levels must be set at each stage to ensure that no aggravated noise or unreasonable noise is generated.
Sound systems at the activity site must have a limiter/compressor installed for all stages.
Standard PER_N03
Speakers at outdoor stages must be placed and positioned in a manner which minimises sound travelling beyond the event area.
Standard PER_N04
A complaints hotline must be established and operated for the duration of the event. A suitably qualified person must investigate any complaints. The results of the investigation and the action taken must be recorded and reported to the complainant.
Standard PER_N05.01
You must send a notice to residents located within (placeholder - resident notification zone) of the event, the Council and the Authority at least 30 days prior to the event. The notice must include the following information:
a) the event's complaint hotline number;
b) the date(s) and times the event will be operating; and
c) the location of the event.
Standard PER_N06
A suitably qualified person must monitor, throughout the entire event, the pre-determined noise sensitive locations and any additional locations that may become necessary based on the conditions and complaints encountered..
Standard PER_N07
The suitably qualified person must be able to directly contact the production manager, sound engineers, event organiser and any hotline staff throughout the event.
Standard PER_N08
Procedures must be in place to allow for an immediate reduction of the music levels of all stages if required. The production manager (or equivalent) must ensure that sound engineers (or equivalent) reduce music levels when instructed.
Standard PER_N09
1. You must complete a report with details regarding complaints received and monitoring completed during the event.
2. The report must include:
a) date and time of all complaints;
b) the investigations that resulted and any outcomes of the investigations;
c) any actions taken as a result of the complaints; and
d) all monitoring completed during the event.
3. This report must be sent to the Authority at permissions@epa.vic.gov.au and the council within 30 days of the event.
Standard PER_N10
Noise loggers must be installed at (placeholder - specific location).
Noise measurements must be taken every hour from (placeholder – time) onwards each day at (placeholder - specific location ((the most affected dwelling)), specific location 2 - ((most affected southern dwelling)) and specific location 3 - ((most affected past complainant))), and at the location of previous complaints.
This permit is valid for the approved concert or event dates and/or operating times specified as follows: A) Sunday 4 December 2022 from 7.00 am to 11.00 am B). C). D). E). F), G). H). I). J).
(Parts A) to J) are just placeholders where we write the date and the times in 24:00 format).
16. Disposing of tunnel boring machine spoil – L09
You must have an L09 permit for disposing of tunnel boring machine spoil generated at another site into a containment system (including receiving, storing, treating, reprocessing or handling the spoil at the site prior to disposal and waste containment and management operations after disposal), other than— (a) disposing of spoil undertaken in accordance with a licence or permit issued under the Act; or (b) containment of spoil for the purposes of using the spoil.
L09 conditions
Refer to L09 conditions.
Reviewed 18 September 2023