If you operate a business, it is likely you will also produce waste. Waste can come in many forms and have negative impacts on the environment and human health.

EPA provides advice and guidance to:

  • improve your environmental performance
  • increase your productivity
  • reduce production costs.

EPA’s advice is focused on:

  • conducting a waste assessment
  • improving purchasing to reduce waste
  • improving storage and inventory management
  • conserving energy
  • conserving water
  • preserving waterways
  • keeping waste out of drains
  • reducing waste outputs
  • reducing risk by improving waste management practices
  • improving recording and reporting within your business
  • updating systems to improve operations and support staff
  • reducing odour and air emissions.

Waste assessments can help you identify and mange waste responsibly and efficiently.

Improved purchasing practices can reduce the resources you use.

Improved storage can make your site safer. It can minimise risks to health and the environment.

Conserving energy and water can help to reduce your costs and minimise emissions.

Improved record keeping and reporting can help you keep track of waste, emissions and costs. This can help you assess your performance and make positive changes.


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Lower your business's environmental impact

Voluntary environmental improvement plans

Reviewed 23 January 2023