This publication forms part of the guidance for industrial wastes regulated under the Environment Protection Regulations 2021 (the Regulations).

From 1 July 2021, all reportable priority waste (RPW) must be tracked in real-time using EPA’s Waste Tracker. Only industrial wastes which are classified as RPW need to have a transport permission and be tracked in Waste Tracker.

This publication has been produced to help waste producers, consigners, transporters and receivers to find the codes they need to use in Waste Tracker. The codes are listed in table format including the relevant class labels and emergency information panel required.

The Waste codes, classification and relevant placarding list can be used as a quick reference guide to Schedule 5 of the Regulations to assist in classifying industrial wastes. This list contains all the industrial waste codes, descriptions and classifications from Schedule 5 of the Regulations.

Anyone who handles RPW must let EPA know every time it changes hands. Producers, accredited consigners, transporters, drivers and receivers of reportable priority waste must use Waste Tracker to complete transactions. The information required by each waste handler is detailed under Schedule 7 – Reportable priority waste transaction details of the Regulations.

Note that industrial wastes or priority wastes which don’t require use of Waste Tracker may still be classified as dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act 1985. This means there may be separate requirements for transport, such as for waste lithium batteries. You should refer to the relevant legislation for further information.

Refer to the Dangerous Goods (Transport by Road or Rail) Regulations 2018 and the Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADG Code) to decide the relevant UN number, UN class and packing group.

Reviewed 29 July 2021