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A lot of things we do at work can create pollution and waste. This can put people and the environment at risk of harm.
New laws that come into effect on 1 July 2021 will require all businesses to prevent and manage the risks of harm to people and the environment from their activities.
What the new laws are about
The new laws introduce a duty focused on prevention, called the general environmental duty. This duty requires you to eliminate or reduce the risks of harm to people or the environment from pollution and waste, so far as reasonably practicable.
This means you will need to proactively manage the risks of harm, as well as deal with the impacts of pollution and waste after they have occurred.
The new laws apply to all businesses in Victoria, from small retail stores to large factories.
What your business needs to do
It is your responsibility to:
- understand the impacts of your business activities on people and the environment
- manage any risks of harm.
In straightforward situations, managing risks may be thinking through your activities and taking simple steps to avoid harm. For example, making sure your rubbish goes in the right bin, and chemicals don’t go down the drain and into our waterways.
Larger businesses or those with greater risks of harm may require other systems, procedures and documentation.
Some businesses may already be managing some environmental risks through their efforts to comply with Victoria’s occupational health and safety laws. For example, using and storing chemicals and fuels safely, and keeping their business clean and tidy.
If your business doesn’t take reasonable measures to prevent harm you could be breaching the law.
How can I manage environmental risks?
You can use this risk management process to help you get started.
- Identify any hazards or activities at your business that could cause harm.
- Assess how severe the risk is, based on the likelihood of it happening and its consequence.
- Implement suitable risk control measures.
- Check controls regularly to make sure they are working.
Learn how to manage your environmental risk
Learn more about managing low-risk activities
Learn more about managing medium to high-risk activities
What else can I do to prevent harm?
Assessing and controlling risk: A guide for business (publication 1695) has more information on risk management.
Use the Self-assessment tool for small business, which has examples of how to manage risks.
Our website has information and guidance relevant to your specific business activities.
Sustainability Victoria has good ideas for improving resource efficiency, including waste and recycling tips.
Note: From 1 July 2021, some activities (e.g. storing and disposing of certain wastes) may require a licence, permit or registration from EPA. Our website has information about licences and works approvals. The new controls and permissions page also has more information.
Self-assessment tool for small business
This tool can help you to check what actions you can take to manage the risks of your business causing harm to people and the environment. It isn’t a complete list of everything you can do, but it’s a good start.
Use the sections below, or download the self-assessment tool (publication 1812).
Reviewed 23 June 2021