1. 1472: EPA’s enforcement and prosecution of government entities including local government

    This policy sets out the approach of EPA to enforcement, including prosecutions, in relation to alleged offences by government entities, including local government...

  2. 1474: EPA’s approach to legal professional privilege and the privilege against self-incrimination

    This policy sets out EPA’s approach to what should occur when a person objects to the production of documents to EPA on the basis of legal professional privilege (client legal privilege) or the...

  3. 1475: EPA's approach to appeals against sentence

    This policy sets out the approach of EPA to appeals against sentence. EPA’s role in appeals against sentence is limited to recommending an appeal to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)...

  4. 1476: EPA’s approach to choice of jurisdiction for indictable offences that are triable summarily

    This policy sets out EPA’s approach to determining whether or not to seek to have an alleged indictable offence that may be heard and determined summarily, against the Environment Protection Act 1970...

  5. 1460: Francis Street - Air pollution and noise monitoring - Community Information

    EPA has commenced a 12 month program to monitor air pollution and the noise impacts of vehicles in Francis Street, Yarraville. The program will use the latest scientific data to inform EPA about noise...

  6. 1043.1: Guidelines on noise from frost fans

    Frost fans are commonly used as a means of protection against frost, but they may cause conflict between residents and growers because of the noise they create. These guidelines provide some guidance...

  7. 1461: Tullamarine landfill community air monitoring program – Reports three and four

    In February 2011 EPA initiated a community air monitoring program in the vicinity of the closed Tullamarine Landfill. The monitoring was undertaken over a 12 month period to address community concerns...

  8. 1432: EPA Customer Service Charter

    EPA Victoria recognises that in order to be an effective environmental regulator we must provide quality customer service to the Victorian community. We work within the Acts that we administer and...

  9. 1458: Dandenong south air monitoring program: Report two

    In April 2011 EPA started an air monitoring program to assess the impact of the Dandenong South industrial zone on air quality in surrounding residential areas. This report provides results for 27...