1. 1469.1: Waste fact sheet

    EPA is committed to ensuring Victoria’s waste is managed to meet prescribed standards and does not impact on the quality of our environment. This fact sheet outlines EPA's role in regulating waste and...

  2. 1623: Frequently asked questions about air quality in the Latrobe Valley

    Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) answers some of the community’s most frequently asked questions about air quality, air pollution and monitoring in the Latrobe Valley...

  3. 840.2: The cleanup and management of polluted groundwater

    These guidelines provide details on EPA’s requirements and expectations for developing and implementing the clean up and management of polluted groundwater to ensure the protection of human health and...

  4. 1620: EPA testing air monitoring equipment during Gippsland planned burns

    EPA is at Noojee testing air monitoring processes and equipment. Planned burns led by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) are taking place at Noojee, in Gippsland from 22...

  5. 1617: Air monitoring results:BroadmeadowsTyre Crumb Australia fire

    Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) monitored air quality impacts during a tyre fire that began on Monday 11 January 2016 at the Tyre Crumb Australia facility in Broadmeadows. EPA...

  6. 1618: Broadmeadows tyre fire - Air monitoring

    EPA monitored air quality during a tyre fire in Broadmeadows that began on Monday, 11 January 2016 at the Tyre Crumb Australia facility. MFB led the incident response with support from other emergency...

  7. 1147.2: Environmental Auditor Guidelines – Provision of Environmental Audit Reports, Certificates and Statements

    EPA is increasingly doing business electronically and, since 2005, has asked environmental auditors to provide electronic and paper versions of audit reports. Audit reports provided to EPA by...

  8. 952.5: Preparation of environmental audit reports on risk to the environment

    These guidelines apply to the conduct of environmental audits undertaken in accordance with Part IXD of the Environment Protection Act 1970 . These guidelines have been prepared to assist...

  9. 759.3: Environmental auditor (contaminated land): Guidelines for issue of certificates and statements of environmental audit

    These guidelines are designed to provide environmental auditors (contaminated land) with detailed guidance for the conduct of environmental audits and issue of certificates and statements of...

  10. 1609: Environmental audits overview (for s53x audits only)

    This introductory information flier explains the steps in the statutory audit process with a flow diagram that opens to A3 size. EPA produced the flier for industry participants in the Audit Reform...