1. 1493: Compliance and Enforcement Review: Implementation update

    Since the Compliance and Enforcement Review report was released in February 2011, a great deal of progress has been made on implementing the recommendations. As of July 2012, more than half of the 119...

  2. 1467: Noise fact sheet

    EPA is committed to reducing disturbances from noise for all Victorians. This fact sheet outlines EPA's role in regulating noise pollution and how you can help...

  3. 1466: Land fact sheet

    EPA is committed to ensuring land is safely managed, restored to productive use or protected to prevent future contamination. This fact sheet outlines EPA's role in regulating land pollution and how...

  4. 1491: EPA Information Release Policy

    This policy articulates EPA’s position on information release, associated restrictions and supporting infrastructure. EPA will release its information to the public according to the Freedom of...

  5. 1479: Landfill gas fact sheet

    Landfill gas is generated by the decomposition of waste in a landfill. 99 per cent of landfill gas is made up of methane and carbon dioxide. The remaining one per cent is made up of over 500 trace...

  6. 1483: Air monitoring report 2011 - Compliance with the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure

    This report presents the results of air quality monitoring in Victoria in 2011 and assesses them against the requirements of the Ambient Air Quality National Environment Protection Measure (AAQ NEPM)...

  7. 1481: How to reduce noise from your business

    This information bulletin helps industrial and commercial businesses to understand what is expected in controlling noise emissions and how to comply with the noise requirements in Victoria...

  8. 1473: EPA's investigation of complicity of all parties and choice of defendant

    This policy sets out the approach of EPA to investigating the complicity of all parties involved in significant breaches of the Environment Protection Act 1970 (EP Act) and Pollution of Waters by Oil...

  9. 1472: EPA’s enforcement and prosecution of government entities including local government

    This policy sets out the approach of EPA to enforcement, including prosecutions, in relation to alleged offences by government entities, including local government...

  10. 1474: EPA’s approach to legal professional privilege and the privilege against self-incrimination

    This policy sets out EPA’s approach to what should occur when a person objects to the production of documents to EPA on the basis of legal professional privilege (client legal privilege) or the...