1. 1557: Compliance and Enforcement Review Implementation

    In order to improve its effectiveness and prepare for a more challenging future, EPA commissioned an extensive independent review of its compliance and enforcement activities...

  2. 1374.1: Greenhouse gas emissions factors for office copy paper

    This paper outlines the background and justification for office paper emission factors used by EPA Victoria. It provides emission factors that demonstrate the GHG emissions associated with the...

  3. 1554: Application of environment protection principles to EPA’s approvals processes

    EPA sought comments on this Draft Guideline until mid-November 2013. After taking the comments received into account, EPA published a final version of this guideline in June 2014; see http://www.epa...

  4. 1553: Implementing the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Contaminated Sites) Measure amendment 2013

    The National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (the ‘ASC NEPM’) was created in 1999 and updated in 2013. It aims to provide adequate protection of human health and the...

  5. 1551: Guidance notes for using the regulatory air model AERMOD in Victoria

    The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) of Victoria has approved the US EPA regulatory air dispersion model AERMOD as the replacement for AUSPLUME as the approved regulatory air model for impact...

  6. 1550: Construction of input meteorological data files for EPA Victoria's regulatory air pollution model (AERMOD)

    This guideline describes the methods to be used in the construction of the AERMOD meteorological input data files (metfiles) when using AERMOD for air impact assessments in Victoria...

  7. 1549: Energy from waste

    EPA has released a draft guideline on Energy from Waste, consistent with the Victorian Government’s Getting full value: the Victorian Waste and Resource Recovery Policy. The guideline outlines how the...

  8. 1547: Air monitoring at Morwell East (February 2012 – May 2013)

    This report summarizes the air monitoring results from February 2012 to May 2013 at Morwell East and Traralgon.The levels of the air pollutants measured at both Morwell East and Traralgon were...

  9. 1537: Foam in Darebin Creek: EPA–CAPIM–Council joint investigation

    Darebin Creek experienced frequent pollution in the form of detergent foam in the first half of 2012. This caused fish deaths and analysis of creek waters showed elevated levels of surfactants (which...

  10. 1536: Air monitoring report 2012 – Compliance with the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure

    This report presents the results of air quality monitoring in Victoria in 2012 and assesses them against the requirements of the Ambient Air Quality National Environment Protection Measure (AAQ NEPM...