Latest media releases and news

  1. Bird scarer guns being misused

    EPA Victoria says farmers and orchardists misusing scare guns to frighten birds away from their crops need to follow the regulations governing their use. EPA often receives complaints about excessive...

  2. Fine for Hampton Park garden supply business

    A bonfire of mixed green and industrial waste materials has cost a Hampton Park garden supply centre a $5,769 Fine. In August, EPA Officers arrived at Lyndpark Garden Supplies Pty Ltd in Hallam Rd...

  3. Snap inspections in the Otways

    Officers from EPA Victoria’s Southwest Region are making  unannounced compliance and enforcement inspections on dairy businesses across the Otways this week checking effluent is being...

  4. East Gippsland roofer ignores an EPA notice, gets an EPA fine

    An East Gippsland company has been fined $5,769 by EPA Victoria after failing to comply with a notice to clean up a pit full of industrial waste. Harveys Roofing and Plumbing Pty Ltd of Sanfords Lane...

  5. Warragul cabinet maker fined for illegal burnoff

    An illegal waste burnoff by Warragul cabinet manufacturer SMJ Cabinets Pty Ltd has cost the company a $9,616 fine from EPA Victoria. EPA received a report in August this year alleging several...

  6. East Gippsland Water fined for wastewater discharge

    East Gippsland Region Water Corporation (EGRWC) has been ordered to pay $50,000 to a restorative project run by East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, pay a $20,000 donation to the court and...

  7. Fines likely following Bendigo vehicle noise testing

    Six noisy Bendigo motorists face $1,000 fines following a joint EPA Victoria and Victoria Police operation to spot noisy vehicles on Saturday 28 October. The roadside operation held near Lake Weeroona...

  8. Fines for illegal burnoffs

    Despite public warnings there would be no tolerance for illegally burning industrial waste, EPA Victoria has caught business doing just that, and been forced to fine offenders caught in the state&...

  9. EPA AirWatch technical difficulties

    EPA Victoria has been working throughout today (Sunday 5 Nov) to rectify technical issues it has been having with the AirWatch network. AirWatch is the EPA service that monitors and reports on air...

  10. North Geelong concrete batchers inspected

    Snap inspections in the North Geelong area have seen nine concrete batching businesses visited by EPA Victoria officers.   Concrete preparation, or batching, creates particular environmental...